Episode 36 [Finale]

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[Writer's POV]

Jason and Cypress was staring each other down. Knowing that the future would change depending on who was victorious.

Jason then flew towards Cypress, summoning two sword of Mega Evolution Energy. Cypress summoned a shield in response and blocked Jason's attack.

He then pushed Jason away, and summoned his own swors of Mega Evolution Energy.
Jason charged at Cypress again, and the two clashed swords. ''I never thought you would put up a fight.'' Cypress told Jason.

Jason backflipped to avoid an incoming sword from Cypress, and fired an aura sphere at Cypress, who redirected it to the side.

Cypress then stomped the ground, and unleashed a wave of rising ground towards Jason. But Jason just spun his swords around at incredible speed, shredding the wave of ground to dust.
He then threw on of his swords at Cypress in a boomerang-like fashion.

Cypress dodged the attack and fired three dark aura spheres. But Jason just grabbed them and returned them back to Cypress, who quickly dodge them.

Jason and Cypress then clashed their swords against each other. Each time Jason swung for Cypress' head, Cypress blocked the attack, and when Cypress tried to slice Jason's arm, Jason blocked the attack.

''Now THIS is a fight!'' Cypress exclaimed, as he kicked Jason away.

Jason ran up to Cypress and delivered a flurry of punches, which the latter blocked each punch.

Jason then grabbed Cypress and threw him over his head.
Cypress landed on his feet and rushed towards Jason to deliver a roundhouse kick.

However, Jason avoided the kick and kicked Cypress on the legs, causing the latter to fall over, but quickly maintaining his balance.

Cypress then punched Jason, making him slide backwards.

''If i can get Cypress in front of the Human Mega Stone. Maybe i can prevent him from abusing it.'' Jason thought as he kept clashing swords with Cypress.

Jason and Cypress then punched each other, only for their fists to connect and push the two back from the impact.

Cypress flew into the Human Mega Stone, while Jason smirked.

''Here goes!''

Jason then jumped back and focused.

Cypress did the same thing, too.

Jason: ''FEEL THE AURA!''
Cypress: ''YOU'RE DEAD!''

Jason charged at Cypress at high speed, while Cypress unleashed a beam of Mega Evolution Energy at Jason.

But Jason flew through the beam, and directly into Cypress...

''WHAT. IS. THIS?!'' Cypress exclaimed in shock.


Jason's sword impaled Cypress and stabbed the Human Mega Stone hard enough for it to charge up for an explosion.

''Well played... Jason...'' Cypress coughed, as the Human Mega Stone finally exploded, taking Cypress and Jason with it...

[With the others...]

Everyone saw the base of Team Eclipse unleash a massive beam of energy, before totally exploding in an inferno.

Everyone looked in horror. Jason was inside the buidling, and now... he was gone, for all they know...

Everyone had tears in their eyes, while Clara began to cry loudly. The boy she had loved, had met his end.

Laura and her friends began to cry at the loss of Jason. ''Jason... poor Jason...'' Laura whispered crying...

''I refuse to believe he is dead.'' Blade said, running towards the wreckage. ''If we are lucky, he may still be alive! C'mon!'' He told everyone before dashing off to the destroyed base, with the others following him.

[Team Eclipse's destroyed base.]

The group got to the burning wreckage of the base, with the Mega Stones scattered around. ''JASON! WHERE ARE YOU???'' Clara called out.

Antonio started gathering the Mega Stones, looking around for survivors. He found that there wasn't a single body lying around.

But then, a sound of concrete and metal moving startled Antonio. ''AH!'' He exclaimed. Laura looked at him. ''What's wrong?'' She asked him. ''I saw something move over there!'' He replied.

Clara, now full of hope, rushed over to the place to see if her crush was there.

She tried to lift it, but it was too heavy. ''I need some help!'' She shouted. Gladion and Sun walked over to her and began pulling the concrete and and metal away from the spot, revealing a knocked out Jason, who had burnmarks on his body, with Clara about to break down crying again.

''Jason... please don't be gone... i can't live without it...'' She said in a sad voice, hugging Jason's body.

''*Cough* Don't worry. *Cough* I'm not dead.'' Jason coughed, making Clara surprised and shocked. ''Unless you count dead tired.'' He added, looking at Clara.

''JASON!'' Laura exclaimed, as she ran towards Jason and gave him a tight hug.
Ash and Serena ran over to them, too, and joined the hug. Both of them relieved that their oldest son is alive and well.

Lukas was shocked and furious that Jason made them think he died. ''WHY YOU... BIG... FRAUD... YOU... YOU... YOU FOUR FLUSHER!'' He exclaimed, with Shauna and Iris holding him back.

''JASON!! You're alive!'' Clara exclaimed as she gave Jason, who was released from the hug of his family, a tight hug herself.

''Woah! I'm glad you don't hate me, Clara.'' Jason said.
Clara then released Jason from the tight hug, and slammed her lips to his, leaving him surprised.

She soon released him from the deep kiss. ''I love you Jason. Please don't ever try to scare me like that again.'' She told him, he nodded.

Everyone then went to Jason to give him a hug. Since they knew that he had defeated Cypress.

[Alola region, nighttime]

Everyone was celebrating in Alola. Nicolai and his father, Kiawe, were doing fire performance.

Ash and Serena were dancing, along with Miette and Calem, Gary and Misty, and Sun and Lillie.

Clara and Jason was looking up at the stars.

''Hey, Clara?'' Jason said.

''Hm?'' Clara replied.

''This has been quite an adventure... and i want to ask you a question.''

''What kind?''

''Well... Clara. Will you be my future wife?''

Clara smiled and kissed Jason on the cheek. ''I will, Jason. More than anything.''

The two then looked up at the stars again. As they saw that some of the fireworks had the words ''Jason loves Clara.'' written out. Both blushed, knowing that Miette had planned the fireworks to spell that out.

[The End]

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