Episode 12

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[Alola Region]

[Writer's POV]

Kiawe was training his Pokemons in the backyard, hoping to take on his son when he returned. Suddenly, his wife Emily called.

Emily: ''Sweetie! Our son says he'll be returning soon. And he has his friend Antonio with him.''

Kiawe interrupted the training to respond.

Kiawe: ''That's a bit too early, don't you think?''

Emily: ''That is not only it. Nicolai also said that he has Ash and Serena Ketchum with him, and their children.''

That got Kiawe into realizing something. he wanted to give Ash's son a present, a Water type Pokemon. ''I know that Jason has gotten two other Pokemons already, but this is the best thing i can give him as a present.'' he said.

[40 Mintues later]

''Well, here we are.'' Nicolai told the others when they arrived in Alola. Jason's eyes caught everything in the region. while Laura felt the fresh Alola breeze. ''So, which way is your father's house?'' Clara asked Nicolai, ''Just follow me, i know the way.'' Nicolai replied.

The group began to follow after Nicolai to Kiawe's house, Jason looked around as he walked, the sky was clear and blue, the sun was strong and hot, and the air was fresh. he couldn't wait to see more of the region when he gets the chance, After they defeat Team Eclipse, that is.


The group stopped walking and looked to the left.

''Gladion? is that you?'' Ash asked the person.

''And Moon, too. not to forget the children.'' Gladion said, showing his Family to the group.

The boy and girl that was with Gladion and Moon stepped forward, ''My name is Luna, nice to meet you all.'' the girl introduced herself.

''Blade. Nice to meet you...'' the boy introduced in a serious tone.

Jason looked at them both, ''You two... look alike.'' he said, Gladion looked at him. ''They are twins. although their hair and face are different.'' he explained.

[Time Skip]

Ash and his Family finally reached Nicolai's home, with Kiawe and Emily waiting outside the house.

''Welcome.'' Kiawe said to the group.

''Thanks.'' Ash replied. Emily then signaled Jason to come closer to her and Kiawe.

''Jason, we wanted to give you this.'' Emily told him. Kiawe then handed Jason a Pokeball. ''A late birthday gift.'' Kiawe said.

Jason took a step back, and sent out the Pokemon inside the Pokeball.

''Empoleon!'' The Pokemon said.

[To be Continued...]

Sorry about the long wait. it's a little hard writing something good for this book, the next chapter will probably be about the heroes meeting a Team Eclipse member, not 100% sure if it will be though.

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