Episode 22

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[Writer's POV]

Ash and Serena had finally reached the Chamber of Sleeping, due to the help of a mysterious voice guiding them. Ash looked to the right, and saw a sword on a table--


--Ash and Serena placed their hands on the relics, which made the big Stalagmite open up to reveal a 16 year old boy--


--''My name is Lukas.'' The boy greeted the two, as he held his hands out to shake theirs--


--''Ash, Serena, you're--'' Clemont stopped talking as he saw Lukas on Charizard's back. Everyone went into a defensive position, while Lukas just offered his hand to them--


--''PIKACHU? WHERE ARE YOU?!'' Ash called out in the cave, since Pikachu was inside it when it collapsed from a bright light in it. He and Serena looked at some boulders, to see a boy's hand sticking out from under it--


--Ash and Serena looked at the boy, who had lost his memories. Ash then got an idea. ''Hey. Why don't we call you 'Chu'?'' He said--


--''That's not my name...'' Chu told everyone, as he emitted electricity from his hands. ''Ash...'' He said, looking over at Ash, ''...I'm your Pikachu.''--


--''...That is. If you and Serena could age, Ash.'' Lukas told Ash. The latter looked down, and so did Serena. ''But you can regain the ability to age.'' Lukas told them--


--Ash and Serena looked at each other. They were both 16. They were now able to age again. ''So, what do we do now?'' Serena asked Lukas. ''Well. Let's find out what has changed.'' Lukas replied--


--''We're back, and revamped...'' The mysterious boy told the group, ''And there's not a thing you can do to stop us!'' He added. He and the other mysterious people stepped forward, to reveal themselves to be dark clones of the group--


--''No... Not yet...!'' Darkchu said in pain... but before he could fully shatter, he instantly moved his hand to the shards of the destroyed crystal, and the shards travelled towards him. They formed around his right hand, and created a gauntlet, keeping Darkchu from shattering--


--Pikachu overpowered Darkchu, due to his Pokemon form being stronger than ever. Pikachu's Thunderbolt hit Darkchu dead-on, with a force so great, that it shattered Darkchu's gauntlet. Pikachu then used Iron Tail, and finished off Darkchu, whose body began to emit light, before shattering completely--


--''But i don't think Giovanni's going to make it easy...'' Calem told Lukas. Lukas smirked and said ''Fine by me. I've never liked it when things are too easy.''--

*Long Static*

[End of Flashbacks]

[Ash's POV]

I woke up from the flashbacks. ''Ugh... Wh... Where am i?'' I said groggly. I could feel Serena right next to me.

''You're awake... at last...'' A person said in front of us.

Me and Serena instantly opened our eyes. We knew who that person was, and where we were. ''TEAM ECLIPSE?!?!'' We both said in Unison.

[To be Continued...]

I was rushed making this Episode. So sorry if it's short.

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