Bloopers (Part 1)

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Writer: ''Aaaaaaaaaand... Action!''

[Jason's POV]

''That Pokemon belongs to US!'' i heard someone say behind me, i turned around and saw people in Black and Orange outfits, with a... wait a minute...

''Why's your shirt on backwards?'' I asked the middle grunt. He looked down at his outfit, and saw what i meant.

Writer: ''Cut!''

[No one's POV]

*Everyone groans in frustration*


Writer: ''We're rolling!''

[Jason's POV]

All of us looked behind Miss Miette to see a girl emerging from the same bush Miss Miette emerged from... along with a Wild Gallade, a MEGA Evolved one to be exact.

Jason narrating over the scene: ''Making a story is a lot of hard work, and things don't always go as planned. For example...''

''Gall GallaAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE!?'' Gallade tried to attack the girl, but his 'cape' got stuck on the bush. ''Come on, Gallade! That's your FIFTH time!'' I told him. The audience began to laugh.

[No one's POV]


Writer: ''Action!''

[Jason's POV]

''Do you know more about it?'' I asked him, he nodded, ''50 of those Mega Stones are required to recreate the Human Mega Stone, and if it happens, the rest of those Mega Stones will be sucked into the Human Mega Stone, and return the Stone to it's original power...'' Mewtwo Replied, ''That is why we need to collect 50 of those Mega Stones, so we can recreate the Human Mega Stone OURSELVES, then, try to link it to Energy of Good, that Energy is found in Team Eclipse's Base.'' He added, all of us, except me, looked at Mewtwo in confusion.

''Who is Team Eclipse?'' Clara asked him, Mewtwo sighed and began to speak... but stopped. ''I forgot...'' he said flatly.


Writer: ''Rolling!''

Jason narrating over the scene: ''Okay. This next scene was shot right after lunch.''

''It's such a shame. Team Eclipse used to make plans to help Pokemons, not collect small stones for some Legendary Stone.'' Jake added, which caused Hau to get annoyed, ''You're only admin number 4! How dare you--''

*Tess burps*

*Audience bursts into laughter*

Writer: ''Alright, cut! Good take.''


Writer: ''Action!''

[Writer's POV]

''Say, where do you two come from?'' Laura asked. ''I come from the Alola Region, while Antonio comes from the Cosmeo Region.'' Nicolai replied... he then facepalmed. ''I DID NOT JUST MESS THAT UP!'' He yelled to the Writer.


Writer: ''And Action!''

[Writer's POV]

Hau shaked his head, ''But Jason... he has the power to bond with Out-of-Control Mega Evolved Pokemon, snapping them back to reality. Not even Ash Ketchum or Serena Ketchum have powers like that...''

*Fart sound*

Hau: ''I think i'm gonna go for a walk...''


Writer: ''And we're rolling!''

[Writer's POV]

The boys went back to sleep again, with their snoring beatbox going faster. Laura, having had enough, decided to climb up the tree and wake them up herself.

She took a deep breath, and then...

Laura: ''GOOD MO---''

*Laura coughing*

Laura: ''No... i can't do it...'' *Wheezed laughter*


Writer: ''Take 2!''

[Jason's POV]

''INCINEROAR! KNOCK THE YELLOW-HAIRED GIRL OUT!'' Hau shouted. And with that, Incineroar began to charge towards Clara... and charges directly into the camera, breaking said camera in the process.

''WHOOPS! SORRY!'' Hau told the cameraman.


Writer: ''Episode 15, Scene 4, Take 3! Action!''

[Writer's POV]

''Mewtwo, what kind of Mega Stone do you think it will be?'' Jason asked his Partner. Mewtwo thought about it for a moment, ''I don't know...'' he replied.

''Well, who cares about that? I have just forgotten my next line.'' Laura told Mewtwo.

Writer: ''Cuuuuuuut!''


Writer: ''And go!''

[Writer's POV]

Jason narrating over the scene: ''This one still gives me nightmares...''

''Jason, Clara, Antonio, Mewtwo, help me stop this Team Tiki Admin! The rest of you. Stay here.'' Laura told the group. They all nodded. And before the train managed to leave the station, Laura, Jason, Clara, Antonio, and Mewtwo hopped on the minecarts just in time... except that Jason does not make it far, and falls down the hole below. Clara gasps.


Writer: ''Action!''

[Writer's POV]

''Uh... Guys?'' Clara stuttered, and Jason and Mewtwo looked at her. Only for her to point towards two adults wearing black and orange.

It was two Team Eclipse Grunts. One was taller and had red gloves on... and was drinking a glass of fruit juice from a straw. He looked at the camera, and stopped sipping.

''You waiting for me? oh, sorry...'' The tall Grunt sheepishly said.

Well... Here's the first part of the bloopers. Hope you liked them.

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