Episode 29

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[Team Eclipse Base]

[Writer's POV]

Hau entered the main hall, to see Eclipse Admin Jake talking to two grunts.

After the grunts left, Jake turned towards Hau. ''You report late. Did you kill the two targets?'' Jake asked, ''Yes.'' Lied Hau.
''And what about Bronze?'' Jake asked. Hau had to lie pretty well in order to fool Jake.

''I killed him with the targets.'' Hau lied. Jake facepalmed. ''He should have been saved for interrogation!'' Jake reminded Hau. ''He was vulnerable, i had no choice.'' Hau lied again.

Jake sighed exasperated, ''Return to the room and continue to watch over Ash and Serena Ketchum.'' He commanded and left.

Hau then walked towards the room where Ash and Serena was sleeping.

Once he entered, he made sure that he was alone.

(In thought) ''Let's get you two out of here...'' Hau thought as he hacked into the control panel via Dark Aura.

''Access Granted'' The control panel said in a monotone voice.
The tubes holding Ash and Serena's hearts then opened.

[At the same time...]

[Ash and Serena's dream]

''Darkchu... let me go!'' A 16 year old Ash exclaimed, with Serena laying on the floor.

Darkchu laughed. ''I've wanted to do this since i was created...'' He said and began to charge a Dark Aura Sphere in his hand.

He then noticed that the room was getting brighter and brighter.
''You're both waking up... but i will return, someday...'' He told Ash before the bright light filled Ash's eyes...

[Real world]

Ash and Serena slowly opened their eyes. They then noticed Hau at the control panel.

''Hau?'' Ash asked confused. Hau walked over to them and pulled them up.
''Your son made me see my mistake.'' Hau explained, ''Get out of here before--''

''Running away, are we?'' A voice came from behind. Hau turned around and saw his clone standing there with two undeads, Shauna and Tierno.

''Huax!'' (Pronounced ''Hue-axe'') Hau angrily said, leaving Ash and Serena more confused.
''I'll explain later.'' Hau told the two.

''Don't you think you have served as Cypress' Second-in-Command long enough?'' Huax asked Hau, ''We need a new one.''

Hau summoned a dark aura sword and got into a fighting stance. ''Then let's dance, Huax...''

[In another timeline...]

''Would you care to dance?'' Ash asked as he extended his hand towards Serena. Miette, who saw this, instantly ran towards Ash to grab his hand.

Her chance had to be cut short, however... Out of nothing, Hau and Huax teleported to this timeline and knocked into Miette and into a table of food, ruining Miette's dress and breaking her leg in the process, while also giving Serena the chance to grab Ash's hand.

Everyone gasped, which caused Hau and Huax to stop their fighting and look at everyone.

The two wordlessly used their dark aura to teleport back to their own timeline again. Leaving everyone confused.

[Back in the normal timeline...]

Ash and Serena had found Pikachu and Libre, and managed to escape Team Eclipse's base. Now that they both know that Hau is now on their side again, they ran to a place that Ash knew very well from when he was still a young boy.

Pallet Town.

[To be Continued...]

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