Episode 23

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[Writer's POV]

Jason and the group were now on Melemele Island, as Mewtwo could not sense any more Mega Stones in the Alola Region.

They stopped by a nearby Pokemon Center, because Mewtwo, and everyone's Pokemon needed healing.

''Y'know, i wonder what Nurse Joy's new Pokemon Nurse is...'' Jason told the group, ''I hope it's not a Jynx...'' Thomas said, ''And no, i'm not going to talk about it!'' he added.

They entered the Center, and were surprised of what they were greeted by.

They entered the Center, and were surprised of what they were greeted by

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''Gard Gard, Voir, Gardevoir.'' (Welcome! How can i help you?) a pink Gardevoir welcomed the group. Just then, Nurse Joy appeared next to the Gardevoir.

''Sorry about the surprise. Gardevoir usually surprise people who is meeting her for the first time.'' Nurse Joy told the group smiling. ''Still. Gardevoir is a really good nurse.'' She added. Jason nodded awkwardly and handed Mewtwo's Pokeball to Nurse Joy's Gardevoir. She smiled and went over to heal Mewtwo... before giving Jason a wink, which made Jason a little bit uncomfortable.

''She seems like a nice Pokemon Nurse.'' Anna told the group. they all nodded... except Jason, who was a little unsure. ''Didn't you guys see the way Nurse Joy's Gardevoir looked at me?'' He asked. They all just looked at him confused, ''What do you mean?'' Clara asked, ''What i mean is: Did she become Nurse to heal my Pokemons... or is she plotting something?'' Jason replied. the group realized what Jason meant and began to become nervous.

Jay spoke up, ''Hey. Pokemons and Humans can't have a child together. Don't worry, everything will be fine.''

''Yeeaaah... about that...'' Nurse Joy suddenly said, the group looked at her. ''These Pink Gardevoirs may be female only... but 4 days ago, we asked a 14 year old boy trainer to help us with a... 'test'... with one of our Pink Gardevoirs... the Gardevoir ended up... *Gulp* ...giving birth to a girl with psychic powers, and the ability to heal others and herself...'' She told the group, ''The boy and our Pink Gardevoir were forced to become a couple... Officer Jenny was shocked to see the results, so was the Professor and his Assistents...'' She added.


Blade had an expression that showed both pure shock, and pure disgust. ''UGH! TMI!'' June exclaimed out of pure disgust.

The Pink Gardevoir whistle'd to Jason to get his attention. He turned around to see Mewtwo's Pokeball standing ready to be returned to its owner.

''Thanks... i guess?'' Jason said to the Gardevoir. She giggled and blew a kiss to Jason, causing him to shiver. Having a girlfriend is good, but having a good time with a Female Gardevoir? That is where Jason puts his foot down.

(In Thought) ''I swear! If that Pink Gardevoir Nurse lays as much as ONE finger on Jason. It will not end pretty!'' Clara thought to herself.

''PICHU!!!'' (JASON!!!)

[To be Continued...]

Cliffhanger lol.

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