Episode 14

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[Jason's POV]

I looked at the Keystone i was given. knowing that i had collect those Mega Stones myself...

Mewtwo's Pokeball suddenly shook, and sent him out of it. He looked at me, ''Master... i don't think your parents can come with you. i think we should go alone on this adventure.'' He told me, i nodded in response.

''I know, Mewtwo. but i don't plan on bringing my parents along...'' i told him, i then looked at everyone, who were surprised to see Mewtwo being my partner. i looked at them with a determined expression on my face.

''Here's my plan: All parents stay back, while their children will join my adventure to collect those Mega Stones. However, i cannot allow my little sister, Sarah, to tag along. she's far to nice for her own good.'' i explained to everyone, while Sarah made an expression that meant she wasn't pleased with what i said. ''Laura, Clara, Nicolai, Antonio, Blade, Luna, you guys are coming along.'' i continued.

''That's good. Seven is supposed to be a lucky number.'' Blade mentioned.

''Jason. before you leave...'' Dad said to me. he then took out a necklace from his pocket and placed it around my neck. ''...Me and Serena want you to hold on to it.'' he told me.


[Writer's POV]

Hau was looking down a waterfall near Team Eclipse's base. still knowing that moment Jason hit him in the eye, although the scars was not there and his left eye was in a perfect condition... or was it really him?

''HEY! YOU REAL THING!'' Hau heard his own voice from behind.

Hau turned around to see himself. meaning that he sent an exact clone of himself to take care of the job. the clone was furious at him, as Hau said it wouldn't get hurt for sure.


Hau always knew that the clone liked to brag about darkness, and that it has elemental powers. But right now, the clone wanted to kill the real Hau.

''AND YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST STATE I AM OKAY?! NO WAY! AS IF!!!'' The clone shouted in Hau's face.

Hau, having had enough of his clone's bad temper, grabbed it by the throat and lifted it up. The clone knew what it meant and got nervous.

(Nervously and Scared, Choking) ''Okay, okay! fine. just- just put me down..! y- you and Cypress need me! right..?'' The clone said to Hau, who just had a angry expression on his face.

Hau then let go of his clone. It gasped for air as soon as it was released.

''I mean, what's a little scratch on my face, huh? all things considered. I'm just lucky he didn't help Gladion steal my heart. That would've ruined my life for sure.'' it said. Hau just turned around. ''Although you tried to convice that edgy warthog to join Team Eclipse by making him bow to the Anger of Team Eclipse, and collect the Mega Stones for us. People like him and Jason, well... They don't have the power to drain life-forces...'' He revealed.

The clone looked surprised, ''So wait. you mean... he's not the one who steal life-forces?'' it asked.

Hau shaked his head, ''But Jason... he has the power to bond with Out-of-Control Mega Evolved Pokemon, snapping them back to reality. Not even Ash Ketchum or Serena Ketchum have powers like that... I wonder how long it will take for him to realize.'' He stated to the clone.

[Back to the heroes]

Jason and the group waved goodbye to their parents, ready to find those Mega Stones scattered across regions.

''So, where should go to first?'' Jason asked Mewtwo. the Genetic Pokemon closed his eyes and felt the presence of one of the stones. ''Lush Jungle. I feel one of the Mega Stones are there.'' Mewtwo said.

''Then let's go! We don't have all day.'' Clara replied. The group then ran to the harbor, ready to go to Akala Island.

[To be Continued...]

Here's the thing: After the children collects a Mega Stone, the chapter after it will feature the parents and what they are doing. Those chapters will mostly focus on Ash and Serena, but may also focus on the others. But getting those stones will not be easy, as others may be looking for the stones themselves.

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