Chapter One

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((Here you are Secret_Mistresses. I thank you for being patient!))

"Hurry up!" A blonde maid hissed as her and a butler scurried across the floor of the giant mansion. "We don't have much longer before the master awakens, and I really don't feel like being stuck in a cage all day if we aren't on time!"

It was true. The punishments for the human servants varied quite often. At times he would just stick them in a glass jar. Once he even buried one of the humans out in the garden with them inside one of the jars and didn't allow anyone to dig them back up until the poor girl was nearly suffocated from the lack of air.

Breakfast was set on the table, a small stack of pancakes with a glass of fresh milk which took near hours for the servant in charge of that to fill. 

Injuries were quite common in the household too. Often the humans were burned from the stove or fell from a shelf whilst cleaning. But no one dared to complain to the giant man. They all remembered one time a butler had asked if he could have just a few days off to recover from a nasty fall he took from a kitchen counter, and he wasn't seen after then. The giant had said the human quit, but the other servants felt they knew what had really happened. Most likely he killed him and got rid of the body in the furnace down in his cellar. Or at least, that was the most common theory amongst the servants.

Eric, while all this commotion was going on throughout the rest of his home, was sleeping peacefully in his bed. His flannel pajamas keeping him nice and cozy through the cool nights. But it wasn't the scent of the pancakes that caused him to stir, nor was it the annoying chirping of the birds outside. But it could have been mistaken for a bird. It was a voice. A soft, sweet, beautiful voice that caused his lashes to flutter and his eyes to open, for it was unlike anything he's ever heard before.

He couldn't make out the words, but he knew it was simply beautiful. And he wants whatever is making that sweet sound. So he pushes himself straight up in bed and continued to listen. The song continued for about a minute longer before it ended. He kept listening, hoping for it to begin again, but it didn't. 

A soft knock on his door made him groan in an annoyed fashion and sit up. "What do you want?!" His voice barked as he stood, placing his bare feet on the cold hardwood floor. 

"Y-Your breakfast is ready M-Master." A timid male voice piped on the other side before there was silence as he awaited what the giant was going to say.

Eric was silent for a few moments as he thought. He wanted to go out and find whatever was making that sound. He had no time for breakfast this morning. "Just get rid of it! I'm not eating this morning and I'll be taking a walk! So I expect morning chores and dishes done once I return! If not, there will be punishments for each and every one of you!" He ordered sternly as his flannel pajama pants hung over his legs. 

A wide smirk crossed his lips when he heard the small footsteps retreat down the massive hall. He loves the fear he strikes in the heart of every human. He loves being the only remaining giant. And he absolutely loves the power he holds over every living thing on this pitiful Earth.

It only took him mere minutes to dress in his attire for the day, his tie wrapped neatly around his neck. He drops his pajama's to the floor for the humans to take care of and then slipped on his black boots. Normally he would make one of the servants lace them up, but today he was in a rush. He needs to find where that beautiful sound was coming from. He needs it for himself.

As soon as he left his room, he purposefully crashed his foot down beside the maid who was standing by the door waiting to try and gather his clothes. He laughed at how she screamed. How pale her face turned and how her tiny body trembled in fear. This he did to several other servants as he made his way through the giant mansion's halls and down the stairs.

Being a noble -while he wasn't born into it, of course, he simply took it- his home was certainly large and expensive. He built it with his own two hands, but then forced the humans to work for him. He doesn't know any of their names, nor does he care to. There's at least two hundred running around like vermin that take care of everything for him. 

He exits out the double wooden front doors and stares out into the trees and listens. Silence. he takes a few large strides, which while only took him a few seconds would take a human quite a bit longer than he. And then he hears it again. Clearer than when he had been inside. He could even now make out words from the gorgeous, female voice coming from somewhere in the woods that basically surrounded his home, even though he cleared a lot of it to build his home.

The song sounded both sad, yet happy. Its tone was soft and fair like a lullaby, but its words were dark and saddening. He was able to make out a few words like 'death' and 'fear' but that wasn't enough. He needed the whole thing. He wanted whoever was making it. And nothing was going to stand in his way of getting the human with the voice of a songbird. 

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