Chapter Two

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Eric had only been walking around for not even a minute when the voice began again. That sweet, soft voice that was both sad and happy at the same time. He found himself drawn towards it. Towards a patch of trees that were close enough together, he could barely see through the leaves below.

But he saw the human. A beautiful, black haired young woman with a blue gown fitting tight on her curves. The voice was coming from her, and a wide smirk crept onto his face as he prepared to grab her.

Seraphina knew it was dangerous to be this close to the Giant's mansion, but she loved walking through the woods to relax. She often found herself singing a song her mother had taught years ago. Now she was relaxing in the shade, singing a lullaby when the sky seemed to grow darker. 

"Rain?" She mumbled softly to herself as she turned her blue orbs upward to check the clouds. But instead, she let out a shrill scream of fear. A massive hand had descended above her slowly, but now she that she's seen it, it moved in one swift action and she found herself encased in a wall of warm flesh. 

Eric cursed under his breath when she saw him and hurriedly grabbed her, making sure he left her head out so she could at least breathe. But other than that, her legs were pinned together and her arms stuck to her sides. He could feel her trying to kick at him but it was obviously futile but rather annoying. So with a roll of his eyes, he cast a glare down at the human. "If you don't stop struggling I won't hesitate to knock you out to get you home."

Immediately the struggling ceased and instead her head fell against his finger. At first, he thought she just gave up, but when he saw her eyes closed he knew she had fainted. He chuckled deeply and stopped walking, laying her out flat in his palm so he could take this chance to look over her body. 

Her jawline was even, and her lips were slightly parted revealing pearly white teeth. She had an hourglass figure, but that was just from the corset constricting her body under that blue gown. Her glossy black hair was now spread out against his fingers, and parts were in her face. She was certainly an attractive woman. To him a bonus. A beautiful woman, and a beautiful voice.

His hand closed back around her figure and he hurried back to his mansion with a wide smirk. Once he arrived, he didn't bother watching his step and laughed darkly as small screams could be heard as the servants scrambled out of his way. "Some of you prepare a cage! And some of you make some dresses! Make sure they are to my liking. You should know what that means." He barked at them.

Eric made it to his bedroom and shut the door, laying the human woman out in his palm once more to look over her figure again. His finger brushed her chest with a smirk only to be met with a soft, fearful whimper. 

Seraphina had only just woken up when she felt the giant prodding at her body like she was just a toy. She couldn't help but wonder if this is what dolls felt like when little girls would dress them up and play with them. 

"You're awake." His deep voice drew her blue eyes up to meet his terrifying green ones. "I suppose you're wondering what's going on. Let's just're my servant now. You won't clean, or cook, no. But you will sing for me. You will sing and you will do whatever I want you to. Anything other would lead to me being a very, very unhappy man. Do I make myself clear?" His tone was frightening. She could feel her whole body trembling with fear, but she managed a quick nod as she couldn't find any words.

"Good." The smirk on his face only widened as Eric's finger brushed her chest once again. "You're quite a gorgeous woman...yet I see no ring on your finger. That's even better." His eyes examined her curves and face once more, ignoring the quivering lip and fearful gaze.

A small knock on his door made him drop the tiny woman onto his bed and storm over, ripping the oak wood open. "Yes?" He looked down at the ground, seeing several of his servants with a cage, each one eying it nervously, wondering who it could be for. Instead, he plucked it off the ground with ease and slammed the door.

Seraphina stared at the cage as tears brimmed in her eyes. One moment ago she was just outside enjoying the sun, now this? "P-Please, don't hurt me. I-I'll be good, I promise!"

"Hurt you? Of course not." Eric's gaze shifted to her as the cage was lowered onto the bed, surprisingly gentle. "I just can't have you trying to escape. Don't worry, you only have to go in when I'm off to bed." His smirk changed into a smile.

Seraphina was now more confused than anything. She had seen how cruel he was to the servants, why wasn't he treating her the same way? But she certainly wouldn't say anything, in fear of angering the massive man. So she instead slowly nodded her head.

"That's it. See, you're already quite the obedient one." He chuckled deeply, his hand falling over her as he lifted her into his palm.

She had expected the grip to hurt, or to be encased in a wall of flesh again but instead, she was sitting neatly in his palm as he watched her. She then began to get the idea and it honestly terrified her more than it would have if he wanted to hurt her.

He was only being kind because he wanted something from her. She could easily refuse to sing, and if he hurt her it would most likely affect her voice. So he wasn't going to harm her and try to keep her calm, only for her voice. 

So that's all she is. All her new life is. She's just going to be a singing dove, locked away from the rest of the world and in the palm of a giant.

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