Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Seraphina gripped tightly onto Eric's thumb, staring at the trees as they blurred past. "Eric? I-I'm scared. What if they try and hurt me?" She asked quietly, trembling in the large palm of her courter. 

"They I'll have to hurt them. If your father or brother tries to lay one hand on you, they'll regret it immediately." The giant nobleman said in a gentle tone despite his words. He used the thumb Sera was holding, brushing it over her arm. "And since you're able to talk a little better, it'll help you talk to them."

"I know, I-I just..." Slowly she trailed off, pulling at the lime green gown she is wearing. It was thankfully long sleeved but went only to her knees. She still felt quite revealed, and if anyone else were to see her they'd think her nothing more than a woman from the street. 

Maddie was back at the mansion still recovering from the gunshot but was doing well. Some other servants stepped up and volunteered to help care for her while she rested. But Sera didn't know what she was going to do to fulfill her promise to her. 

She'd have to think about it later. A house was coming up the distance, and she recognized it as her own. And the familiar figure of her brother could be seen outside, chopping wood with an old ax her father refused to replace. So quite often the head of the ax would come off halfway through the chopping of a log.

"Marcus." She whispered to no one, watching the black-haired male. "Marcus?!" She called louder, hoping to catch the attention of her brother who looked so small from where she sits in the giant's palm.

The human male wiped sweat from his forehead and turned toward the voice calling his name, stumbling backward when he saw the giant. The only one he's known of is the cruel Lord Eric Koffman. But the voice he had heard was feminine.

"Eric, put me down, let me go to him." Seraphina looked upward at Eric, swaying a little as his hand lowered her down into the grass below. She waited only a few minutes before turning to face her older brother who stared at her with his own green eyes, her father's eyes. Mothers hair, fathers eyes from what she had heard. "Marcus."

Her brother dropped the ax and made his way through the grass toward her. It was like the giant wasn't even there anymore. As soon as he was close enough, he embraced his younger sister tightly. "Seraphina. I was so worried about you." 

"Don't play the protective brother, I told Eric what you and papa would do to me," Seraphina spoke firmly, shoving Marcus away from her. Stepping backward, she felt safer near Eric who was now kneeling on one knee behind the humans.

Marcus's smile slowly faded and was replaced with a smirk. "Well, then I guess there is no need to pretend. Who's this? Your...master?" He pushed a hand through his thick, sweaty hair with a deep chuckle.

"No, my courter. And I care about him a heck of a lot more than I care about you or father. Because he treats me well. He's nice and kind. To me at least. And don't touch me." Seraphina looked upward into the hazel eyes of Eric, who was smiling down at her with a gentle gaze. 

"Yes. I'd like to have a word with you, Marcus, and your father. Seraphina has told me quite a lot about you both." Eric's gentle eyes turned hard, and cold as he looked at the male human before him. He could see him visibly shaking from fear, despite his attempt to keep a straight face. 

"I-I'll go fetch him. Though he's had quite a few drinks already today. I'll be right back." Marcus fiddled with his fingers before running into the small house. 

"For such a small building it is in good shape," Eric said with a deep chuckle, glancing down at Seraphina. "I'm assuming that you are the one who painted and gardened?" 

"Yes." Sera slowly nodded her head and placed her hand on one of his fingers. "I did a lot of the work around here. I wouldn't be surprised if the inside was a mess too. Floor littered with wine bottles. Dishes piled high in the sink. Mother's photo collecting dust on the mantle. Can I bring it back with me when we go? It's my most prized possession. It's all I have of her, that and her journal. Can I get them both?" She asked the giant, placing her head down on the closest large finger near her. 

Pondering her question briefly, he nodded his head. "I don't see why not. But please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt again."

"Alright, thank you. I'll be right back!" With a wide, happy smile, Seraphina sprinted into the small house, leaving Eric by himself in the grass to wait for her. His gaze remained locked on the windows and door, and he kept his ears open for any sounds of scuffling. He didn't want them to hurt Sera. He didn't want anyone to.

He knows it will take a lot of time for him to get used to being nice to humans again. And he knows that if he remains the way he is Seraphina may decide to leave him. So he'll just try his best and hope that it's enough. And hope that after some time, he can forgive most humans for the death of his family.

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