Chapter Six

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Eric watched the human girl digging into her own tiny meal ravenously, like she hasn't ever tasted anything like it. Her plate made his look ginormous, and he actually understood now just how different his own stomach was to a humans. "Is it to your liking my little sparrow?" He asked with a gentle tone.

Seraphina was so lost in her own thoughts and the taste of the food that she almost missed his question. Swallowing her mouthful of chicken she actually smiled brightly up at the giant. "Oh, yes. It's wonderful sir. Thank you." To her own surprise, she spoke without stuttering. Maybe she was beginning to trust him?

The giant noticed this as well. Her clear speech. And her smile only added to her beauty. She was truly one amazing human. He will never let another man touch her. "You're welcome. Now, sing for me." He hummed, taking a large bite of chicken. 

Sera was about to shovel a spoonful of potatoes into her mouth before she stopped at his sudden request. Clearing her throat out softly, she took a drink from her own glass of water as to make sure her throat wouldn't be dry as she sang. "Is...there anything in particular you'd like to hear sir?" She found calling him 'sir' instead of 'master' was a lot easier, as 'master' made her slightly uncomfortable.

"Hmm. No, this time I will let you choose the tune. But make it one I like." His lips curled into a smirk. "And if it isn't one I like, I get to do something with you. Anything of my choice."

Her blue eyes widened at his statement. She could imagine many things a giant man with a lustful gaze such as his could do to her. So with a deep breath, she closed her eyes and her lip quivered as she began to sing in a soft, sad tone. 

Eric listened as she sang the song. From what he could understand it was about a young girl who lost her mother and her father was a drunk. The little girl found herself alone quite often. But then the little girl went out to play one day and took a tumble off the edge of a cliff, down into the ocean below. The father, stricken with grief then took his own life after he realized his horrid mistake of not taking care of his own child.

By the time the song was over, several servants had stopped their work to listen. Even Karen, who's jealousy and anger only grew. She took this chance to approach a rather attractive butler who was dusting the bottom shelf of a bookcase and tapped his arm. "Thompson. I have a job for you."

The butler's dark brown eyes turned in her direction. "What do you want this time Karen?"

"That new girl who the master is so fixated on. Flirt with her. Gain her trust." A wicked smiled crossed her face as she watched the butlers expression.

"No, thank you though. I value my life." He said with a grumble, glancing up at the woman singing on the table before his eyes widened. "Wait...that's her? She's beautiful."

The maid scoffed and smoothed her apron down. "She's not that pretty. But I hope you get the point. Get her to like you, then tell the master she tried to kiss you. Okay? I want the master to hate her. To kill her." Her eyes darkened dangerously.

"Hm. I suppose you're right. It is unfair to be treated this way while she gets all the glory and attention while doing nothing but sing." He pushed a hand through his shaggy hair before rising to his feet. "Very well, I'll do it."

"Good. Take your time." The maid laughed darkly and turned away to continue with her own chores for the day.

Once Seraphina had finished her song her eyes caught a butler watching her from the corner of the room. He had a very attractive face, and his brown eyes met her own blue ones. She felt drawn to him, but what about the giant? What would he think if she was caught talking to a male human? He didn't seem like the type to listen to reasoning.

"Um, sir?" Seraphina turned her eyes up to the giant who had a small scowl on his face as he looked at her. His gaze frightened her terribly, making hard for her to ask the question. "M-May I meet the other servants? I-I am one here, aren't I?"

"I wouldn't call you my servant exactly, but yes, I suppose you could. You have thirty minutes to chat but then I expect you upstairs in my bedroom. Am I clear?" His deep voice was stern and menacing as his fingers curled around her and deposited her onto the floor. 

Now she was standing by his giant boot and could imagine it descending over her, leaving her nothing but a splatter of blood and bones on the floor. She shuddered and shook these thoughts away as she dashed across the floor and over to the butler who had been watching her.

Eric saw where she headed and right away his blood began to boil as his hands balled into fists. He knew how many maids tried to talk to that one. How many flirted. And if he ever catches Seraphina flirting or he flirting with her, they'll both be in for a not so pleasant surprise.

"Hello there." The butler said smoothly, running his hand through his shaggy hair to push it out of his face.

"Hello," Seraphina whispered politely, glancing over to the giant standing at the table across the room behind her. "My name is Sera."

"Thompson. A pleasure to meet you Sera. I would greet you properly, but the master is watching." His voice became quieter as he spoke, as to keep Eric from overhearing. "Shall we speak in another room?" 

"Oh, yes. Thank you, but I don't have long sadly." Seraphina smiles softly and glanced back at her giant captor one last time before scurrying after Thompson through a human sized door that led into the kitchen.

Eric, to say the least, was sure his face was beet red with anger. He would love nothing more than to throw that human male into a river tied down with a brick. His hands were in fists so tightly that his nails had even begun to dig into his skin. But he had an idea to win the heart of his little songbird before any human could.

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