Chapter Fourteen

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Sera chose to skip breakfast and approached a familiar silver eyed maid with a gentle smile, reaching out and placing a soft hand on her shoulder. "You are Maddie, yes? If I remember correctly."

The maid gave a startled yelp and wheeled around, almost dropping the duster she was holding. "Y-Yes ma'am!" She exclaimed, silver orbs wide in shock and fear.

"Oh, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm sorry." The black haired female spoke gently, returning her hand to her side. "I wanted to see if you were alright. I know you said not to pity you but I cannot simply ignore you. Especially after learning what your master did to you."

"H-He is your master too." The young white-haired woman averted her eyes, hands shaking. "A-And I asked you not to pity me."

"I know what you said. And I know he also my...master. But I have trouble calling him that." She lowered her voice to a whisper, hoping the giant could not her talking. "I just have a couple questions about him, about the way he treats you all."

Maddie stared at the woman in front of her in surprise. Ask her something? Besides for her to get out of the way? For the first time in a while, a small smile began to cross her lips. "O-Of course. I-I'm almost done. The other did most o-of my chores, I-I didn't want to be entirely useless so I-I'm dusting, see?" She held up the feathery stick in her hand.

"Let me help you, it'll get done quicker. I'll just need you to show me where I can get one." Seraphina responded to the girl with a gentle smile, who was beginning to relax right before her eyes. 

"O-Oh, no, I couldn't ask you to do that! I-It's my job!"

"You haven't asked me at all. I want to help." 

Maddie hesitantly agreed to let her help, leading her just a short distance away to a hall closet built specifically for humans. "There are several things we use in there. P-Pick all but the one with white feathers. Th-That one is Karen's and she gets mad when anyone else uses it."

"Thank you." The black haired female dug through the closet before finding a black and white feather duster and returned to Maddie's side to help her with her work. "H-How long has Lord Kaufman treated you all this way?"

The white-haired maid paused at the question, her head hanging low. "F-Forever. I-I don't think he's ever n-not treated us poorly."

"How awful...Do you know anything about his past?" Sera turned her blue-eyed gaze to her with a curious glint in them. She wants to know all she can about the giant.

"N-No, none of us do. B-But some of us think he was created by a witch w-who he betrayed and murdered before going off on his own." Maddie said softly, using the duster along the large handcrafted vase's rim.

"That sounds strange. How many of you are saying that?" Seraphina glanced to the maid with a slightly amused look.

The maid paused before looking away with a soft, embarrassed expression. "Just myself. I-It's silly, I know."

"Everyone has their own theories," Sera said with a comforting smile, reaching over and gently taking the maid's hand. "I'm sorry, but has anyone ever told you, you look like an angel? Your eyes, and hair. They're both lovely. Like something you'd expect an angel to have."

The maid's face turned a dark red and she met the other's gentle blue orbs with shock filled silver gaze. "I-I've never heard that before. B-But thank you! F-For helping me too!"

"Of course. And remember if you ever need anyone to talk to, come find me. I'm afraid your master will want me soon, I should go before he gets angry and takes it out on one of you. It's horrible what he does to you. Excuse me." Seraphina gave a small, polite curtsy to the other servant before hurrying down the hall to the dining room, leaving Maddie standing by herself.

Maddie was in shock as she watched the woman run off. No one had ever been that kind to her before.

"Ah, Seraphina!" A deep voice called, stopping the black haired woman an caused her to turn; meeting Thompson's gaze.

"Oh, hello Thompson. What can I do for you?" She smiled warmly, embracing the male in a quick fashion to ensure the giant would not see.

Thompson returned the slight hug with a chuckle. "Can you meet me in the garden a little later? I would like to speak with you." He asked innocently, taking one of Sera's hands soft hands in his rough one.

"Oh...really?" A soft blush tinted her cheeks, and she smiled at the butler. "H-How wonderful, I'll see you out there in an hour then."

"Very good." He placed a gentle kiss on her pale knuckles, his lips curled into a subtle smirk which she wouldn't notice. 

He watched the woman walk off, his smirk only growing as he cast a sly wink to the few other servants that were secretly watching nearby. "The time is approaching," he whispered as the hurried over.

"Yes, I'm glad. I'm starting to get sick watching her and you." Karen mumbled.

"Oh, don't bother." Thompson chuckled and dipped the maid backward, their lips meeting in a passionate kiss. "You know you're the only gal for me, my darling."

"And it better stay that way." Karen's scowl faded into a wide, wicked grin. "Especially once the master kills off his 'little sparrow.'" She spoke in a high, mocking tone. 

"Now let's get back to work before we get our hind ends busted." A different butler mumbled, and the four servants all agreed as they hurried in separate directions to prepare for the hour that is to follow.

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