Chapter Twenty-Three

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Before we begin this chapter, thank you Sunfreckle for this amazing fanart of Seraphina! 

Before we begin this chapter, thank you Sunfreckle for this amazing fanart of Seraphina! 

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And now we move onto the new chapter of 'Sweet Songbird'. Enjoy!

Maddie's silver eyes, full of fear and worry fell upon the young woman before her. "Y-Yes Sera?" She stuttered softly, still shaken up by her incident with the giant nobleman. Her heart was still pounding inside of her chest, her blistered hands shaking from the maids own anxiousness. 

Seraphina waited until she was sure Eric had left the two of them alone before taking a deep breath. "I-I know you like me. I-I know you like me as more than a friend. But I'm afraid that I cannot say I feel the same way as you. You are a wonderful girl, and you are beautiful, but I...I don't feel that way about you. I'm so sorry." Her voice was still so sore, so hoarse. It took a lot of effort to speak.

The black haired female felt horrible. Maddie was such a sweet girl that has been through so much already, and Sera felt she was only adding to the immense pile. 

The white-haired maid was silent for only a few seconds, clearly processing her friend's words. She had a feeling this would happen and had thankfully prepared a speech beforehand. "I figured this would happen, S-Seraphina," Maddie whispered, using her shaky hands to wipe tears off of her face. "I-It's clear that you've changed the master. Y-You two care about each other. Maybe I'll find someone that loves me back the way I love you." 

"I'm sure you will Maddie." Seraphina took the maid's hands, leaning over and placing a gentle kiss on the young girl's forehead. "You're still my friend I hope. And I'll do everything I can to see that you get the love you deserve." A few light coughs managed to pass her lips, and she had to turn her head away to avoid coughing on Maddie.

Maddie could only smile and nod her head in thanks. While her heart was aching, she could only thank the stars that she didn't lose a friend. "Th-The master has been kinder and less h-harsh. I have you to thank for that. H-He's always so frightening."

"Yes, I know. I care about him but he still scares me. It's the size, I'm sure." Sera turned her deep blue eyes toward the window, taking a deep breath. "I-I can't t-talk anymore right now." Lowering her voice to a whisper, she leaned into the soft pillow behind her and took a sip of the water that was brought to her.

After nodding in understanding, the young maid stood upon the surface of the bed and also looked toward the window. "Do you want me to get the master?" She asked softly, smiling at the relaxing woman.

Seraphina closed her eyes, taking a moment to debate the question in her head. On one hand, she'd feel safe with the giant as protection. But on the other, Maddie would most likely want to go when he gets back and leave her alone with him. It would be best to be safe for now, so she slowly nodded her head in response.

All she wanted to do was relax. But a thought had been continuously popping in her head. What were her father and brother doing? And if she ever saw them again, what would they do to her? Maybe she should have Eric take her, that way she'd have a giant on her side so she could actually get a word in to her dad.

"Seraphina, Maddie said you wanted me. She said your voice was getting tired from speaking, so you're resting it. I don't want you to hurt yourself. Maybe I could give you a bit of paper so you could write what you want to say." Eric said as he was in the doorway faster than she expected him to get there.  It was almost like he just appeared out of nowhere. 

"N-No. Can...can you take me to the village so I c-can see my family?" Sera turned her gaze toward the giant nobleman, her blue eyes pleading with him even though she wasn't saying anything.

Eric met her eyes with his hazel ones, furrowing the large brows on his face as he tried to figure out just why she'd want to go back there. "I thought you said they abused you." He mumbled in a near whisper. 

"Th-They did. B-But I want to face them. W-With you to protect me." She began to cough, her throat burning to the point where it felt she swallowed lava rocks. 

"Sera I told you not to talk. Though I can understand it might be tough to not to. I'll take you to see them once you feel better. Right now I need to go hunting. And not for animals." Eric pushed a large hand through his dark hair with a sly smirk. "I'm hunting four little pests who need to pay for what they did to you."

In Eric's eyes, it was true. For once, his actions will be justified. He knows it is almost his fault for the way Seraphina was treated by them, for the way he treated her over them was wrong. But at least Sera's respect is honest. Her respect is true. And if her father and brother hurt her while he's there...oh, things aren't going to go well for them either. "I'll ensure that absolutely no one hurts you ever again." He reached a hand forward, using a giant finger to take Sera's own tiny one between his thumb and index finger.

Seraphina inhaled deeply through her nose. She tried to shift her body to hug the giant hand beside her, but her limbs are still stiff. Instead, she could only look up at him with a thankful look. The fact she finally has someone to protect her, that's proven that he really does love her, it makes her feel safe and comforted. Things are certainly going to get better. 

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