Chapter Three

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Seraphina had been thankful she wasn't put in the cage, but when she had turned her back for less than a second a pair of cold, metal cuffs were locked around her wrists. She tried to fight against them but a very long chain connected from the center of the cuffs up into the giant man's hand. 

"There. Now I can always make sure you're close." Eric smirked, giving the chain a small tug and making the human woman nearly fall over she was jerked closer to him.

She honestly felt like crying. She wanted to return back to her home, to the people she cared about. Although they weren't really good people. Her father and brother were all that was left, and they both had hurt her. More emotionally than physically. She was always blamed for the lack of money and lack of...well...everything. 

"You're being quite quiet my dear." The voice above her pulled her from her thoughts and she looked up to see the giant eyeing her body once again, a lustful hunger in his hazel eyes that frightened her. She knew she was completely powerless against him. 

And he knows she knew. And he liked it that way. He loved knowing that all the humans wouldn't dare cross him out of fear. It was something he often counted on. "Well?" He arched one of his eyebrows, watching the small woman.

"I-I'm terribly s-sorry master." Her soft voice suddenly said. Even her normal speaking tone was just as smooth and lovely as her singing voice. She sounded fearful. Perfect.

"I'm just glad you can talk." He retorted with a smirk, his finger gently tilting her head up so her blue pools met his own. "Now my little songbird, do you have a name?" He tilted his large head to the side, sending his hair toppling into one of his eyes and part of his face.

It took all her might to swallow the lump in her throat to speak. "S-Seraphina. B-But people have also called me S-Sera." She stuttered out, her gaze never leaving his.

"Quite the pretty name for a beautiful human." His smirk widened and she had to bite back a yelp as his face was suddenly right in front of her. 

She was able to see his iris and pupil darting every which way, studying every detail on her pale face. She could feel his warm breath tickling her bare arms, neck, and any bit of her skin that was uncovered. But...did he just call her...beautiful? The giant she heard that only pillages, plunders, and murders, giving a compliment to a lowly human? She could have sworn she felt heat rising in her cheeks, and her suspicions were only confirmed when his mouth curled into a smug sneer and his face finally pulled back.

A soft knock on the door made him turn his head and narrow his eyes. "Just when I was getting somewhere." He hissed and stormed over, opening the door with a booming voice. "What do you want?!"

A human maid quivered on the floor, a bundle of fabric in her arms as she felt her legs were about to give out. "D-Dresses, as ordered master." She whimpered out, her brown hair falling into her face.

"Get in here." He demanded, earning a confused look from the maid but she hurried in otherwise. Other than today, he'd never allow the servants in his room unless they were cleaning. But he needed someone to help dress his new little servant. 

The maid yelped as his digits wrapped around her harshly and lifted her onto the bed, where she saw Seraphina for the first time and was surprised at the beauty of the woman. No wonder the giant had taken her. And no wonder he wanted the kind of dresses he'd like. Short, revealing. Inappropriate for this Era.

"I'll let you help her into one of those gowns. I'll be back in precisely five minutes." He pointed to the giant clock hanging on his bedroom wall before exiting the room, the door closing loud enough for the humans to cover their ears.

"Oh, you poor dear." The maid said in a hushed tone. "I'll bet he's already beat you." She helped the new servant out of the metal cuffs with a deep frown.

"B-Beat me? Oh, no. He's been surprisingly gentle." Seraphina responded with a warm, polite smile. "My name is Sera by the way. It's a pleasure to meet someone my height."

"Gentle? The master is never gentle." The maid grumbled in disbelief, though there was a slight envy in her dark eyes. Almost a sudden hatred.

"Oh...maybe I just got on his good side easily then." She suggested with a soft frown. 

After a few minutes, they had her in a knee-length, sleeveless yellow gown that hung rather low in the front. Seraphina felt completely exposed in the short dress and longed for the blue one she had just been wearing. But that wasn't the only thing. The way the maid laced up her corset made it very difficult to move and breathe. It almost seemed on purpose.

And when the time came for the maid to put the cuffs back on Sera's wrists, they felt tighter. They felt like they were digging into her flesh. Shrugging it off as her imagination, she watched the maid climb down, disappearing over the edge of the bed with a deep frown. Why the maid seemed so upset all of the sudden she didn't know.

Suddenly there was a tug on the chain connecting to the metal handcuffs, and Seraphina found herself yanked off the edge of the tall bed and falling at incredible speed to the hardwood floor below her.

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