Chapter Thirty

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This is officially the longest story yet. Whoo hoo! That just means I'm getting more ideas! 

Eric waited outside for a few minutes. Then five. Then ten. His gut had told him something was wrong right away when Sera hadn't come back yet. "My darling Dove, are you alright?" He called, hopefully, loud enough for her to hear him. Her soft voice came from within, only she sounded like she had been crying. And her father and brother hadn't emerged too. It made the giant worry.

"G-Give me a moment and I'll be right out!" Seraphina called, wiping tears from her face with her sleeve as she huddled in the corner of her old bedroom. There she sat looking at a quite old photo of her mother, taken when she was pregnant with her. It was times like this when she was alone and thinking, that she began to wonder if it really was her fault her mother died because of her. But she always had to remind herself that her father is a drunk coward and her brother is only following that path. 

After taking a deep breath and she clutched the photo and journal close to her chest and made her way over to the bedroom window. She could see Eric watching the house, his brows furrowed in a look of worry. He looked cute. He doesn't show the kind of emotion he shows here when someone is watching him, and that makes sense. He is known as a 'cruel and vicious man'. And maybe he was. But she believes she can fix him. Fix his hate, and help him to keep himself calm when talking to other humans. This can wait though. At least until they get home from dealing with her brother and father.

Eric was about to speak up again when Seraphina walked through the tiny door of the house, her long black hair fluttering around her and the skirt of her dress blowing slowly in the warm, summer breeze. Though the whites of her beautiful, deep blue pools were now red. "You really were crying weren't you?" Speaking in a calm, soft voice, Eric reached out and offered her his hand.

"Because she's nothing but a whiny, obnoxious brat." A slurred voice chimed in, a disheveled man appearing in the doorway with a wine bottle clutched in his hand. "Cry, cry, cry. She never shuts up."

Though Sera looked like she tried to hide it, she flinched at the man's voice and quickly moved into Eric's palm to avoid possibly getting injured. Instead of staying silent as she always did, her giant lover gave her small amounts of courage. It was amazing. She feared this human more than she ever feared Eric. "Y-You can't treat me like that. I know you must have loved mum, but it's not my fault she died. Lots of women don't last through childbirth. M-Mum and you got lucky with Marcus."

"You don't know anything about your mother." The man said with an angry growl in his voice, though his words were still slurred and slow. 

"I know plenty about her. Before Marcus was born, you and she would head down to the nearby stables and pay the stableboy to ride together. When Marcus was born, she was sick for three months and was worried about not making it, so she began to create a scrapbook for Marcus to have when he got older. And just before I was born, she told you she was tired and wasn't sure she would survive this time. Don't tell me I don't know her. I feel like I at least got to have a piece of her. Her journal, her photo. They're not just painful memories like you said when you tried to throw them away, they're her memories. And that's the most important thing. Keeping her memory, and memories alive." 

Though her chest felt like it was going to burst and tears again began to roll down her cheeks, Sera said what she needed to say and turned to look at Eric. "W-We can go, I suddenly don't fee very well. My stomach hurts. I-It could just be stress. Yes, that's-" She cut herself off and clambered off of Eric's palm, running behind a nearby tree.

Eric cringed as he heard what sounded like her coughing and heaving. She'll have to rest when they get back to the mansion. But her words wove his way into his heart, and he planned on holding onto them. She was right. As long as he remembered his family and the good times they had before they were killed, maybe he could move on easier. 

Sera stepped from behind the tree, wiping her mouth off with her hand. "I-I think I'll take that bath when we get home. Let's go." She put a hand on the trunk of the tree to hold herself up, suddenly feeling very drained. She'd also need a glass of water to rinse the foul taste from her mouth.

"Here, allow me." Eric murmured, scooping her into his palm so she didn't have to move around too much. He cast a quick glare at the male human, who wasn't even paying attention anymore and was instead inspecting the half cut chunk of wood. As he walked away, slowly to avoid shaking Sera too much, he could hear the drunk man shouting at his son to finish the chores. 

"What a terrible man," Seraphina mumbled to herself, leaning back against the warm fingertips. Though she was dreadfully hot as it is, she didn't have enough energy left in her to fight her body's urge to lie down. "Thank you for coming with me."

Eric looked down at Seraphina with a warm smile and moved his hand closer to his chest. "You're very welcome."

Alright! This is NOT the last chapter, however, there is only one or two more chapters left. I'll see what I can do. Maybe the last chapter will just be super long. Oh well! Guess we'll find out.

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