Chapter Twenty

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Eric Kaufman sat silently, his eyes never leaving Seraphina's still form. "This is my fault." He whispers softly, reaching out to touch the human before retracting his hand. "I don't even know if you can hear me right now. I can only hope you can. I want you to know I deeply regret what I said to you before. I saw you run off with that butler and...I was angry. But I knew you were angry, and scared...and sad. But please believe me when I say I am sorry."

He lowered his head, placing his hands over his face. "Humans steal everything that I wind up caring about away. I used to think they were all terrible little beings. That's why I treat them the way that I do. I used to despise every single one of them. It was so easy to hurt them because of the way they hurt me. Then I met you, Seraphina. You cared what happened to the servants, and yet you cared about my own feelings. That showed when you tried to find out what was wrong just this morning. You are truly a beautiful woman, inside and out, and I should have never made you fear me the way that I did." 

He kept his head low, a stinging sensation in his eyes. He couldn't cry, not now. But even though he tried to fight it, silent tears began to trickle down his face. 

"Y-You're truly sorry?" A soft, hoarse voice spoke and his head snapped over to Seraphina who was looking back at him.

"You're awake." Was the first thing that he was able to say, unable to think of anything else right away. After a few moments of silent staring at each other, he managed another sentence. "You sound terrible. I-I can have Maddie get you some warm milk and honey? Or perhaps just water?"

Sera only managed a soft smile. Her throat was burning, making it painful to speak. But she could see the worry and grief plain in the giant's eyes. But then her smile faltered when h spoke of the maid. She had heard everything and felt everything that Maddie had done. At the time she was too weak to open her eyes, to move. She would have to talk to her later. 

Going back to Lord Kaufman's question, she simply nodded her head. 

Eric rose to his feet and looked towards his bedroom door. "Maddie! Get in here now!" He ordered, swiftly wiping the tears from his face so the maid wouldn't see.

The white-haired maid hesitantly entered the room seconds later, staring wide-eyed up at her master. He seemed so calm earlier when he needed her help. Now he's back to looking so cold, cruel. It frightened her. "Y-Yes Master?" She stuttered, gripping the skirt of her dress, trembling in fear.

"I need you to go make some warm milk and honey for my little sparrow, she's awake and sounds like she needs something to drink. So hurry, and don't get sidetracked." He spoke firmly, watching the shaking maid back quickly out of the room. He then turned his gaze back to Sera who was looking at him in a disapproving manner. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"B-Be nice to her." Sera forced out, coughing and bringing a hand towards her throat. "Sh-She's scared, y-you can't treat her that way. Y-You said yourself maybe not all humans are bad. Sh-She's not bad either. You're just s-so cruel and-" She stopped, interrupted by a coughing fit that took almost a minute to recover from.

Eric was silent now, watching the human woman before him tell him off even though she was hurting herself. He could almost smirk. "Very well then. I'll save my anger for the other four. Because when I catch them, I hope you know they are going to lose their lives. Painfully, it will be torture." His hazel eyes narrowed at the ground as he thought about it. He wanted them all to suffer.

Now it was Seraphina's turn to be silent, breathing raggedly. She could never wish death upon someone. But the way Thompson had acted...He seemed like he had truly cared about her. Then he turned his back and threw her into a freezing lake. Wait, the lake. How did she get out of there? Did Maddie drag her out? "H-How am I h-here?" She whispered hoarsely, catching the attention of the giant.

"I pulled you out after Maddie told what had happened. She ran to me and saved your life. I believe she has very strong feelings for you." Eric said with an amused smile, chuckling under his breath. 

"I-I don't feel the same way though. Of course, I care about her, she's a sweet, kind girl. I just don't feel that way." Seraphina lowered her head, feeling guilty. Maybe she had made it seem like she cared that way about the maid? Now she had to make sure that Maddie wouldn't be too upset, or do anything stupid to herself.

"Speaking of the maid, I did make you a promise back in the library. Perhaps I should hold up my end of the bargain and tell you why I am the way I am. Why I think humans are just horrible things." He ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes. "I should also tell you in case something else happens."

He turned his head towards the window with a quiet sigh, closing his eyes as the painful memories returned. "I-I don't know where to start. I guess all I can say is that humans are the reason I am alone. Why my parents were brutally murdered by groups of them. I will spare you the details, as it can get pretty gruesome." 

"No...i-if you're going to tell me it all." Seraphina coughed softly as she spoke, leaning back on what she finally realized was his giant pillow. 

"As you wish." Eric glanced down at the human woman, taking a seat back in his plush chair. "Lay back and relax, it's a long story."

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