Chapter Five

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Sera hissed in pain as the disinfectant poured over her arms. It sent a stinging sensation through them that had never felt before. But she didn't speak. The giant was helping her after all, and questioning him could cause him to turn into a horrible, cruel man to her.

Eric could tell the human was in pain and was shocked that she hadn't complained about it to him. Then again, most humans don't. "It's alright my sweet songbird, it won't be long now." He said in a hushed tone, using a tiny strip of a bandage to wrap her arms up. "We don't want those wounds to get infected now do we?"

Silently shaking her head, she watched the giant's mouth curl into a smile as his large hands came down over her and forced her into his palms. She had to struggle into a sitting position, as it seemed he was purposefully knocking her about to make her dress ride up her legs. She watched the world move at an alarming rate around her as the giant carried her from the bathroom back into his own large bedroom. Now she was finally able to take a proper look around.

His bed rested neatly in the middle of the back wall, with a nightstand on either side. A golden candle holder rested on the right nightstand, an unused candle sitting inside. A wardrobe sat in the corner of the room, the door partway open. Why she doesn't know. There was also a very comfortable looking chair sitting in the room, and she was almost tempted to ask if she could try it out. 

"Are you hungry?" Eric asked the human as he turned and left his bedroom, once more purposefully almost stepping on a butler as he walked.

Sera didn't know how to answer. Should she be honest and answer truthfully, or lie and hope he doesn't realize she's lying? Lying could end very badly if he finds out, so with a deep breath, she turned her deep blue pools upward to the large man. "I-I am hungry, yes." She said softly, using one of her fingers to twirl a lock of her long black hair.

"You will join me for lunch then my little sparrow." His voice purred and she nearly jumped out of his palm when he slammed a huge wooden door behind him as he stepped into an expensive looking dining hall. 

A sweet smell swirled around the woman as she took it in. Perhaps it was a chocolate of some sort. There was another wave and she breathed deeply through her nose, recognizing the familiar scent of baked bread and chicken. The poor of this time never had too much besides just some bread and very little meat, and if you were lucky an egg or two a day. Oh, how her mouth watered at the thought of digging into a meal fit for a noble such as her 'master'. A deep chuckle from above pulled her from her food trance.

"You do look quite hungry," Eric said with booming laughter. He had seen how her eyes were searching desperately around the room for the source of the smell. He could tell just how anxious she was to get something that a noble could actually afford. "Another perk of being mine. You'll be treated with respect by any human. And if any other man ever tries to touch you, I'll simply crush him. Or you, depending on the circumstances. For if you ever betray me," His gentle tone suddenly vanished and his eyes grew dark and menacing, "I will not hesitate to throw you in a fire."

Sera's blood ran cold and she could tell her face had paled more than her naturally pale skin. She struggled to form a sentence and was stuttering as she tried to think of what to say to avoid angering him. But then his gentle tone returned.

"But you would never do that to me, would you my lovely little dove?" He murmured into her ear with a wide, self-satisfied grin. Eric knew he scared her. And he liked that. If she was scared, just like every other human, she wouldn't dare try to escape or leave.

"O-Of course not!" She finally managed to choke out. The thought of being thrown into a pit of smoldering flames was petrifying. She could imagine screaming, every bit of flesh burning off her bones as the giant stood and laughed, and the servants powerless to help her.

"That's what I like to hear." Eric lowered her onto the dining room table with a wide smile. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a servant running across the floor and his smile shifted into a smirk. "You!"

Before the butler had a chance to even react, a massive hand had encased him and he found himself face to face with the giant in a rather tight grip. "Y-Yes m-master?" He stuttered out, not daring to struggle as his eyes grew wide in fear.

"Get a clean human sized plate and fetch my dear Seraphina a plate of chicken and gravy. You have three minutes." Eric dropped the butler onto the floor about a meter up, making the thin human scramble to his feet and dash back into the kitchen.

The butler looked around the kitchen, panting heavily. "H-Human minutes." he panted out, near out of breath from running. 

A maid scoffed as other servants began rushing to fix the meal. "Of course. One pretty girl comes along and the giant idiot treats her like she's the Queen Victoria or something!" 

"Karen, shh! Don't let him hear you!" A butler hissed from on top of a counter, his eyes narrowed at the blonde.

"Whatever Kenneth. It's just not fair, she's nothing but a servant too. Some of you have to agree with me right? What if she gets in trouble? What will do, hurt her? No! His anger will be taken out on all of us! We'll be the ones stuffed in a cage, or even buried in a jar outside!"

A soft sob came from the other side of the room and a young maid had her arms wrapped around herself tightly. "I-I can't go back in a jar! I-I couldn't breathe!" Her breathing became shaky and another butler hurried to her side to comfort the girl. She hadn't been the same since she had been trapped in that jar and nearly died. 

"Exactly. I say we find a way to...'accidentally' get rid of this girl. You heard him right? We'll just need of you butlers to flirt with her. Gain her trust, then run to the master and say she was the one flirting. That will make him angry enough he wouldn't question it until it was too late and she's dead." Karen said as a wicked grin fell onto her face.

The other servants looked bac and forth between each other, a few nodding too eagerly and more nodding hesitantly in agreement. 

"Good, it's settled then. Now. We better get that crow her food."

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