Chapter Fifteen

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"Sir, is it alright if I go out to the garden?" Sera asked the giant timidly, standing at the foot of his chair. She had to force herself not to cringe in fear when his hazel eyes fell upon her.

Eric swallowed the bite of pancake he had just taken, turning his gaze to the human on the floor. "And what do you wish to go out there? I can join you." 

"N-No! I-I mean...I'd like to be alone for just a little bit. P-Please." Closing her eyes tightly, Seraphina awaited an angry remark or perhaps his hand closing around her. 

"Hm. I suppose as long as you don't try and run away again." He began slicing another piece of pancake, a smirk perched on his lips.

"I hadn't run away!" She exclaimed before backing away. "I-I mean, I was fetching a book s-sir." 

"You understand what I mean. Now go, before I change my mind." He lowered his head, looking to the golden paint lining his plate. 

Sera watched the giant for only a moment more. His eyes had become distant, sad again. Something had to have happened to him. Maybe he lost a lover or a friend that was dear to him. She had to find out somehow. "Th-Thank you." She quickly curtsied and holding up the bottom of her dress, she ran from the dining hall to the closest exit she could remember.

The soft breeze easily flowed through her hair and a wide smile crossed her face. The fresh air felt amazing. She inhaled deeply through her nose, letting out a loud exhale through her mouth.


She turned to the voice, spotting Thompson sitting in the grass nearby. He had one knee up, leaning back on an arm with a wide grin on his face. "Thompson!" She ran to him, embracing the butler in a tight hug.

Giving an unseen sneer, he quickly replaced it with a convincing smile. "Seraphina. You're such an attractive woman. I've been wanting to ask this since I first laid eyes on you. Would you care if I were to court you?"

A soft blush flushed her cheeks and she briefly and shyly averted her eyes. "Th-Thompson. I don't quite know how to respond."

"Say yes." He whispered, wrapping an arm around her waist and pressing her into his firm chest. Without allowing her to get a word in, he presses their lips together in a forceful kiss.

Unsure how to respond, Sera kissed back, snaking a hesitant arm around the man's neck.  Here they stood for what felt like hours, their lips intertwined in a wonderful feeling. And when they finally parted, she felt that her face was as red as the roses in the garden. "Yes." She breathed out, breathing raggedly in shock.

"I'm so glad." He murmured, trailing gentle fingers down her cheek. "Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment I have work to do." The butler smiled and turned his back to the woman, his smile turning into a wide, sly smirk. 

Thompson made his way into the mansion before he began to sprint. He made sure his face was twisted in panic, forcing his hands to shake as fake fear. Purposefully, he ran past the giant who only paused to glance at the human who ran by his feet.

Eric's brow lifted in curiosity as he watched the servant before turning his gaze once again in front of him. He began to think about what he could do to make the human girl feel more comfortable in his presence. She had said she was after a book. Maybe if he took her to the library to see if he had the book she once owned.

As he was about to head outside, the black haired female rounded the corner, freezing in her tracks when she was met pair the giant pair of black shoes. "L-Lord Kaufman!" She stuttered.

"Seraphina, my sparrow, I have something I would like to show you." The giant stooped down, scooping the girl into an open palm like she was nothing more than a doll. "Allow me to take you there. You are aware I have a library, yes?"

"Y-Yes." Sera stuttered out, her thoughts being dragged from Thompson to the large library inside the mansion. "I-I've seen it."

"What book did you run away to fetch? Perhaps I have it." He cast his hazel eyes towards her, and he smirked in amusement as her own blue pools widened. 

"S-Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." She answered calmly, looking upward to meet his gaze. "T-To be completely honest I know you have it. Th-That's what made me run away-, I mean, try to go fetch it." Thompson had told her she would have time. And she was grateful to the butler, for she didn't know the servants true intent. She didn't know he woke Eric to go get her.

"Then that just makes things easier. What say you we go and get it, hm?" He smiled warmly at the human woman, who actually returned the smile with a small one of her own. 

"I think I-I'd like that sir, thank you," Sera whispered. Maybe this could also be her chance to ask about his past. To see what has been bothering him so much. Only a little bit of time will tell.

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