Chapter Nineteen

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When Eric burst through the front doors to his mansion, he was sure every human in the building would be on the ground from the force of his actions. "Maddie!" He shouted for the timid female, still cupping his darling Seraphina against his chest. "Damn it girl, come here now!" No one had time for fooling around, he needed a human to take care of her.

Sure enough, the dark-haired maid scurried across the floor towards him. "Y-Yes Master?" She squeaked out, terrified of the giant man. Always she worried if she would once again be buried in a glass jar to suffocate. So when his free hand came down over and lifted her from the safety of the ground, she let out a shrill, frightened squeal of fear.

"Calm yourself. I know I am not the best towards you humans but I have my reasons. I just need you to help her. I can't do it on my own, my fingers are too large." Eric pleaded with the woman, not bothering to wait for an answer as he was already up the stairs to his bedroom. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, please."

Maddie slowly opened her eyes, her heart ramming against her chest and nervous sweat dripping down the side of her face. Did he just say...please? In a nonsarcastic tone? Slowly she lifted her head, meeting the giant hazel eyes with her own soft silver ones. Seraphina is her friend after all, and she'd help even if the giant hadn't asked her too. Not knowing what to really say, she simply nodded her head in agreement.

A weight felt lifted from his chest and he hurried to his room, careful not to jostle the two humans in his grasp too much. Once in the comfort of his own room, he laid the women on his pillow, not caring if Sera's wet hair and clothes soaked through the cover. "Is there anything specific you need for her? I can get things faster than you."

Maddie was silent for a moment. She was still processing that this man wasn't cursing, yelling, or threatening her with death. "Hm? O-Oh! Hot water, some cold medicine, dry clothing for her. I'll take care of CPR while you're doing that." 

Maddie waited until the vibrations of the giant moving around faded into the near distance before beginning her work. Pressing hard down on Sera's chest five times, then listening for a breath. Pressing five times, waiting for a breath. 

She lost count of how many times she did it, and was almost ready to begin mouth to mouth when the black haired female sputtered and coughed up what seemed like a whole gallon of water, but remained still. Though she was breathing now, her eyes remained shut and her body limp, cold to the touch. 

"We just need to get you out of those wet clothes and get you warmed up. We'll have to find Karen, Thompson, Matthew, and Kenneth too. Seraphina...please don't die. Since the jar, no one had been so kind to me before. You even said I looked like an angel. I always considered myself a freak with the way I look. The others would avoid me, and yell at me often for being the way I am now. I've never felt this way before with anyone. And I know you'd never return my feelings, and I don't even know if you can hear me. But you're so beautiful and kindhearted. Thank you." The white-haired maid leaned in, connecting her lips to Sera's cold ones. She made sure the kiss was brief, as she didn't want to upset anyone. She had just felt so compelled to do it. But then she turned and saw the giant standing in the doorway with items in his hands. "M-Master Kaufman!"

Eric had returned to his room to hear a soft voice speaking. Being as curious as he was, he stood outside the door and listen to the soft, sincere-sounding monologue his maid delivered. Had he not been so worried about Seraphina, he may have said something, even when he saw the white-haired maid kiss the unconscious female. Not even when the maid locked eyes with him did he say anything. Instead, he delivered what the maid had asked for to the bed. "Here, you said you needed these." He mumbled, unsure if he could actually believe what he had seen. 

A woman, kissing another woman? It was most certainly frowned upon, and Queen Victoria had never really said anything about same-gender couples before. How was he supposed to feel about this? Angry? Confused? Maddie had even said Sera would never return her feelings, so there is still hope for him yet. 

"Once you take care of her Maddie, please leave the room, I wish to be alone with her. I will shout for you if anything happens. Am I understood?" He mumbled softly, leaning over both the maid and his little sparrow.

Maddie nodded in response and began her work. She made Eric turn around when she managed to get Sera from the sopping wet gown into a warm, dry nightgown. She placed a warm towelette on her forehead and placed the cold medicine nearby for if-, no, when she awoke. "M-Master," She began timidly, "I want her to wake up just as much as you. But I myself can't e-even be sure."

"She will wake up," Eric stated simply, having pulled a chair to the bedside and was now staring intently at Seraphina. Of course, she would wake up. She had no reason not to. He got her out of the lake, he brought her here and made sure she got taken care of. He did everything right. So she's going to wake up.

The maid was only quiet as she watched the giant for a moment. Unable to stay in the room, both overcome with emotion and ordered to, she left the room. "I hope so." She whispered to an empty hall, tears dripping from her eyes and silently rolling down her cheeks.

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