Chapter Nine

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Sera sits on her knees on the surface of the giant's desk. The man was just behind her, sitting in an equally large chair. This meeting had been going on for what felt like hours, and the nobleman that her master was meeting with looked positively terrified to say or even do anything. But that didn't keep his eyes from wandering over Sera's body.

Eric had been thinking about ways to manipulate this human. To get him to possibly hand over some of his company that would make himself even more powerful than he already was. But with this woman in the room, something deep down kept him from doing anything of the sort. And he hated it. 

"D-Do we have an agreement?" The human male finally piped up, wringing his hands nervously around his tie. He was doing everything in his power not to tremble in the mere presence of the giant, Eric Kaufman.

"Yes, yes. Now, away with you. The servants will show you out." Eric leaned back in his chair, using a finger to rub his temples in annoyance. "Oh, Seraphina, my sweet little sparrow, please go and make yourself useful while I do my work, alright dear?" His tone noticeably changed from an annoyed, menacing one to a patient, gentle one. 

Both humans made their way down the rickety ladders that were made so servants and any human could get around just a tad easier. Once their feet touched the hardwood floor, Sera and this nobleman went separate ways. Each of them had their own things on their mind. Seraphina plans to go find Thompson, the noble wishing to get out as fast as he could. 

"Thompson?" Sera called, her blue eyes scanning the long hallway. It would take forever for her to actually find him. She bets she could explore for days and still not cover every inch of this mansion. But to her luck, a deep male voice responded from just the other room.


A wide smile broke across her face and she ran to the room. It was a very large library. Her heart swelled with joy as she looked around the huge room. Books that humans wrote only in giant scale. Then she wondered if the giant copied them all down, or if he just made other humans do it. Either way, she loved reading. And the thought of her favorite books in a massive size only made her excited. 

Thompson could see the new girl's eyes widen in shock and excitement when she entered the room. It was clear she found books entertaining, as she seemed to forget about him and ran to the lowest shelf to read the titles on the spines. 

"Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street." Seraphina read aloud. She knew about this book. While it was terribly dark, it was one of her favorites. Written in 1846, only about thirty or so years ago. It was about a man named Benjamin Barker who's wife was coveted by a terrible judge. So this judge was able to send Benjamin away on whatever crime he chose fit all to hopefully gain the love of this woman. 

Around fifteen years later, Benjamin returns, only now with the name Sweeney Todd. His goal is to get rid of the terrible judge Turpin and hopefully get his wife and his now fifteen-year-old daughter back. 

When she read this book it had constantly sent chills through her. It was wonderful, but it looks like the giant hasn't even touched this copy. Maybe, if she asked him, he would let her read it. "Seraphina, what're you doing looking at a book like that?" A deep voice from behind her made her jump and she wheeled around to only be inches away from Thompson's face. 

"O-Oh, uh..." She stuttered, unable to make words out as she pushed away from the young man. "I've read it before. My mother had owned a copy that I found buried in a box. I loved it. But it is at home, so I can't go get it."

"And why not? Why not sneak out tonight and go home to try and fetch it? I'll be sure to keep you covered, don't worry. If the master wakes up while you're gone, I can explain to him that you might've simply gotten lost. Even though he is not one to listen to reason most of the time, perhaps he will believe me." Thompson leaned against the edge of the shelf with a grin. Sera couldn't see it, but his eyes were glinting wickedly as he spoke, for she was too fascinated with the massive copy of her book.

"Oh, you would?" Seraphina's blue pools turned and met the butlers. "Thank you so much." She laughed and threw her arms around the man in a tight hug. 

Thompson hesitantly returned the tug before carefully pushing her away from him. He had to seem inconspicuous about it, while not hurting her feelings. So he simply took her afterward and delicately kissed her pale, soft hands. "You needn't thank me."

Sera's smile remained wide until she heard the booming voice calling for her out in the hall. "O-Oh, I better go." She whispered to the butler and scurried across the floor and out the giant door. It was just as she left the library that a large black boot slammed down beside her and she couldn't stop a scream of fear as large digits curled around her and lifted her off the sturdy ground.

"Scared you that much, did I?" Eric mumbled with a deep chuckle, watching the color drain from the human woman's face. When she didn't respond besides trembling in his fist, he rolled his eyes and turned his tone into a gentle one. "Calm down my sweet little songbird. I would never hurt you." 

Sera flinched in fear when she was shifted into his open palm, staring nervously up and meeting his menacing gaze.  "I-I'm sorry." She whispered fearfully, turning her head away as she fought back frightened sobs.

He could hear her voice crack when she spoke, and for a brief moment, he let himself pity her. But only so he didn't drive himself mad before he blocked the hole in the wall around his heart once more. "It's quite alright, I forgive you." The giant mumbled quietly. "Now, shall we prepare for dinner?"

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