Chapter Thirteen

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When Seraphina awoke the following morning, it was to the sound of birds chirping outside the grand window beside the cage. The sunlight beams that peaked through were warm against her face. And she could smell something delicious from the open door. 

But there on the bed sat the giant. His head hanging low, his eyes drooped with dark rings around them. It looked like he hadn't slept a wink since he brought her back to his home. "S-Sir? D-Did you not sleep?"

Eric ignored the human, running a hand through his matted hair. Though he really hadn't slept, he didn't feel like talking. He had managed to push back the terrible images for now. "Breakfast should be ready shortly." He mumbled. "I'll let you out so you can dress."

Sera watched the towering man make his way over to her prison and unlock the barred door. He reached in with his large hand, the giant digits curling around her thin body to lift her out. Once more she got a glance at his eyes. They weren't hard or cruel. For the moment they looked sad, distant. It confused her, but more so it made her feel...sorry for him. Something obviously made him feel this way. 

Before he could release her, she placed a delicate hand on his index finger. "L-Lord Kaufman..." She said softly, instead of using the words 'sir' or 'master'. "What's troubling you?" She didn't care how cruel he'd been to her. To others. No one deserved to feel sad. 

Eric's whole body tensed at the soft touch and calm words. Something inside of him churned. Slowly he met her deep blue pools with his hazel ones, seeing nothing but concern on her face. Concern for him. He gritted his teeth and a soft breath passed his lips. "Why do you wish to know?" He asked gruffly, attempting to keep his strong composure. 

"S-Something is clearly troubling you. I-I'd like to talk to you if I could. See if there was anything I-I could do." She stuttered softly, watching his iris's dart around, observing her.

For the first time in quite a long time, Eric felt...touched. He could once again see no lies, no deceit. This human woman for some odd reason wanted to know what was bothering him. But he cannot tell her. For she'd most likely use it against him. They always did. "I do not wish to speak of it. Let us just go downstairs for breakfast once you change your clothes. I will be a gentleman and not look."

Hesitantly Seraphina turned her back to the giant and stripped out of the nightgown. She noticed he wasn't eyeing her body as hungrily as he had the night before. Something really was bothering him, and she wanted to get to the bottom of it. 

She pulled on a beautiful yellow gown that actually went to her feet, however it still showed quite a bit of cleavage and the sleeves were short. A little better than yesterdays, but still not entirely what she likes to wear.

"Sing for me. Something happy."

The deep voice pulled her attention to the giant man who still had his back towards her. His head was hanging, and his hands were being wrung in his lap. "Beg pardon?" She said quietly.

"Sing for me. Please." Eric repeated, closing his eyes with a small frown.

She blinked in surprise at the word 'please.' Never had she heard that word out of him before. With a deep breath, she racked her brain before she began to sing a soft tune.

"Close your eyes, and take my hand. Follow me through this darkened land. I'll be here, by your side. Together we'll get through this night. It doesn't matter what they say or do. It doesn't matter what they think of you. Just know that I'm here to stay with you."

Eric listened to her voice and had to fight away tears as the song continued. The tone of the song mixed with the sounds of her voice were so strong, so emotional. And the words sounded so genuine. He wasn't sure if she was trying to make a point to him or what. "That's enough." He said after a short while, carefully lifting the human into his palms and returning to his usual cold expression.

Seraphina saw for a brief second his eyes glisten. But then he blinked and it was gone, his face once again stern and hard. She knew she almost broke him. All she has to do is try not to be afraid. Try not to get on his bad side, and maybe, just maybe he'll tell her what was troubling him.

Thompson watched his master and Seraphina head down the stairs to the dining room. She didn't have a single bruise. A single cut. had he not done anything to her? Surely that wasn't the case, right? He was angry! "What are we supposed to do now?" he whispered to no one as he began to think of a new plan to get rid of the 'sweet songbird.'

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