Chapter Four

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I don't know how many of you do or don't know this by now, but I have several other G/T stories finished! His Little Doll, Unnerved, The Portfolio, Misunderstandings, A Little Hope, The New Home, and Calinthro! Feel free to check them out while waiting for updates! Also, check out one of my friend's stories called 'My Roommates Dead!' by NikolaiArlofsky!

Seraphina bit back a scream when she fell but wound up landing in the palm of the giant. Her blue pools turned upwards and met his massive ones as her heart beat a mile a minute from the fear of falling. She hates heights.

"Why did you get that close to the edge?" Eric demanded, glad he had gotten back into the room before she hit the floor. His eyes wandered over her bare, pale legs that stuck out under the dress, taking in every detail the corset allowed him to see.

"S-Something yanked the chain!" Sera immediately jumped to defend herself, trembling against his warm flesh. 

He looked at her suspiciously for only a moment when he saw the maid scurrying out of the room and knew exactly what had happened. "Get back in here!" His voice boomed, and small fearful yelp could be heard just around the corner outside of his door.

The female servant's head slowly came back into view, and he could see her shaking where she stood. "Y-yes master?" Her small voice squeaked.

"You pulled the chain, didn't you? You purposefully tried to hurt, possibly kill our new guest?" His eyes narrowed dangerously at the human. 

"N-No! B-But my foot got caught a-around the end of the chain and she fell! I-I tried to leave quickly so that y-you wouldn't yell!" The maid whimpered out, using her arms to shield herself as she awaited some form of punishment. A kick, a swat, anything. But of course she was lying, she was just a very good actress.

Just as the giant began to move towards the maid, he felt a small squeeze on his palm and winced in pain before turning his angry gaze down to Seraphina. "What?!" He snapped with a growl in his tone.

"Sh-She said it was an accident," Sera whispered up at the man. "I-I'm not hurt, d-don't hurt her. Please." She pleaded, her deep blue orbs staring intently, but fearfully up into his giant eyes.

Something inside of him began to agree with the human woman. But then another part of him began screaming angrily that he couldn't take pity on the humans, otherwise they'd all rise up against him and he'd lose every ounce of power he has now.

"I'm sorry my little sparrow, but I can't let these things go unanswered." He lowered Seraphina onto his soft pillow before turning back to the maid with a fire in his eyes. He stormed over and before the maid had a chance to run, his giant hand flew and struck the human hard enough that she flew back a few inches into the wall with a loud groan of pain.

The sound was so sickening to Sera that she let out a soft gasp of horror. She heard the smack and the thud of the maid's form crashing into the wall. She could see the pain clear on the girls face. It terrified her, so she remained silent besides the small gasp.

A smirk remained plastered on Eric's face, watching the human's face contort in pain as she scrambled out of his bedroom. He even slammed the door before she was fully out, certain it had rammed into her and once again sent her flying due to another thud outside the now closed door. His head looked over his shoulder as Sera, his eyes glistening wickedly. "I'm sorry about that my dear. Now, where were we? Ah yes." 

Sera watched as his massive body strided easily across the floor and was suddenly encased in a fist. She trembled against his skin as she awaited the grip to tighten, but it didn't. Again, his touch was surprisingly gentle. And it greatly confused her.

"Such pale skin...a single bump would bruise such delicateness. And your eyes, they sparkle in the sunlight, if your head is tilted just so. Sing for me, my little sparrow." Eric whispered, using his finger to very carefully push black strands of hair out of the human's face.

Seraphina could feel her face heating up as she turned her head away from the giant. "W-What would like me to sing for you master?" She said softly, having to nearly choke out the word 'master' as she did not wish to be owned by anyone. No matter how gentle they were being. And the metal cuffs around her wrists were still digging into her skin. Had she not been afraid to tell him, she would have. But she wound up not having to.

"Hm? What's this?" Eric opened up his hand after he felt something warm that wasn't her skin. There were small splotches of red liquid on his hand, and dripping from the human's wrists. "Now, I did not make those as tight as they are now. I made sure they would not cut you." His giant fingers undid the tiny lock and he held the cuffs up in front of his eyes by the chain with a scowl. 

"Th-That must have happened earlier when she tripped over the chain." Sera stuttered out, her eyes staring at the open wounds on both of her wrists which were near gushing blood down her hands onto the large one holding her.

"Well then. I suppose before I have you sing for me, we best get those little wrists of yours bandaged and disinfected. Does that sound fine little sparrow?" His lips curled into a rather charming closed-mouth smile.

Why he was being so kind to her still confuses her greatly. But if he was going to keep her from losing too much blood and make sure she wasn't in pain, who is she to complain? "Y-Yes, please. Y-You're too kind to me m-master." 

"Yes, maybe you're right. I am. But I also do not want my little songbird to die so quickly." His smile turned into a devilish smirk. 

This sent a chill down her spine and she fell silent, not wishing to say anymore. Instead, she'll just let him get her bandages so she doesn't accidentally change his mind about anything and try to ignore his wandering gaze. But she couldn't ignore the pain running through her arms from the wounds.

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