Chapter Eleven

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It seemed like hours until the giant had finally fallen asleep. Sera had pretended only for about twenty minutes in total, waiting for his huge hazel eyes to leave her and close. And once they finally did, she sat upright and prepared to leave for her home.

She wasn't sure how she was going to pull this off, but if she fails it could mean her death. It's a terrifying thought, knowing her life is quite literally in another's hands. Especially when the hands belong to a menacing giant man who could easily crush a person beneath his boot.

Still donned in her nightgown, Seraphina attempted to silently climb down the sheets being used for the bed. She wanted to be as quiet as possible. 

Only when her bare feet touched the cold floor did she release the breath she hadn't noticed she'd been holding. She wasn't used to walking around barefoot, and she could only hope she didn't step on something on her way to and back from her own house. But if her brother and father saw would she explain the bruises to the giant tomorrow morning?

A chill ran down her goosebump-covered arms and she tried to hurry. Sera wriggled her body under the crack of the door, laying on her stomach and pulling herself out. She could hear rustling of sheets in the room behind her, causing her heart to pound in her chest. She froze, but thankfully the soft sounds ceased and everything fell silent once again. 

It almost felt like a horror story. Her, a single woman locked in a huge mansion. Captive to a sadistic, charming man whose mood could swap so promptly. But this wasn't just a story, this was real life. And she was that woman, held captive. 

She wandered around the mansion, looking for the exit. She had already climbed down the staircase, now all she had to do was find the front...door! There it was, a mere few yards in front of her. And everything was still silent.

Seraphina managed to squeeze herself out the front door the same way she left the giant's bedroom upstairs. The night was chilly, the wind nipping at her face and blowing her nightgown around her ankles. It felt strange now. Everything felt normal sized to her once she made it outside. Grass, trees, and flowers. It made her feel better.

She began the trek home, inhaling the night's fresh air through her nose. Feeling she could run and enjoy the freedom, she had to remind herself to hurry home and fetch her book; and maybe a few other items. She began to sprint through the night, holding her nightgown up slightly to avoid tripping.

As she could just see the light of her village appearing through the trees, a male voice caused her to freeze in place, her heart beating rapidly in her ears. "Where is ye heading young miss?"

She turned to see a man leaning against the trunk of a tree, a burning cigar perched on his lips. Her heart continued to pound in her chest as she mustered an answer through ragged breaths. "M-My home." 

"Are ye sure you're not runnin' away from somethin'? Yer wearing yer nightgown." His tone was low, his voice quiet. His hands fiddling with something inside of his pants pocket. "Yer a rather lovely lady to be out here on yer own this late." A smirk began to form on his cracked, dry lips. 

"I-I'm not alone." She lied poorly and began to step away from this frightening man.  Seraphina watched the cigar fall to the ground. She watched as he pulled something from his pocket and her eyes adjusted to see it was a small switchblade. Fear continued to well in her chest. "I'll scream." She whispered, finding enough strength to turn on her heel and run in an opposite direction.

She didn't make it far when a cold, callused hand gripped her arm from behind and yanked her to the ground. Letting out a high-pitched, blood-curdling scream the hand clamped over her mouth. "If ye make another noise I'll slit yer throat." The man hissed directly in her ear. 

Lying on her stomach she couldn't see much, but she breathed shakily into the grass that was tickling her arms and face. The man's breathing was right by her as well. She didn't have any idea how she would get out of the situation.

The ground under her began to vibrate, and a large, dark shadow blocked out what little light the moon allowed. She knew what it was before the man did; even before the deep, menacing voice could be heard. "Release her."

Eric glared down at the male human pinning Sera down. He was dressed again, anger furiously bubbling in the pit of his stomach. The only reason he was awake is because the other servants told him Sera had snuck out. He hadn't expected to find her beneath a human who was wielding a silver blade. 

He reached down, lifting the human into a tight fist. He could see the fear plain on his face. He could feel his body trembling in his fingers. "L-Lord Kaufman! I-It's a misunderstanding, I-I swear!"

Eric ignored the pitiful cries and tightened his grip until he could feel bones breaking. Until the life faded from this humans eyes. But the anger remained even after he disposed of it. "Seraphina." He spoke with an angry glare.

"S-Sir, l-let me explain." Sera squeaked out as a tight grip suddenly encased her body in a wall of flesh. 

"I don't want to hear any excuses!" His voice barked and pain shot through her limbs. "You ran away!"

"I-I didn't! I-I was getting my book! I-I was going to come back, I swear!" She choked out, trying to struggle against his fingers. 

Eric raised a questioning brow at the human woman. He couldn't see any hint of a lie on her face. "And I am to believe you how?"

"I-I wouldn't lie to you!" Sera winced in pain as the grip around her slowly was released and she collapsed against the now open palm of the giant. 

He watched her sputter and cough, gripping her sides. Maybe she wasn't lying. But he didn't intend to let her sleep the rest of the night outside the cage. 

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