Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Sera pressed her hands as firmly as she could against Maddie's wound, the roof above her creaking and groaning, a few chunks of dirt falling onto the four humans as Eric lifted away the roof with ease.

Eric had heard the gunshot, and Seraphina screaming for help. So he got on his knees and dug his fingers into the earth, scooping up as much as he could off of the ground and sure enough, a bit of wood could be seen. With barely any strength, he used his fist and hit the wood until it broke. He couldn't just jab his fist through, he could have hurt Sera. 

His hazel eyes locked onto the blue-eyed female, then they drifted to the maid. With angry eyes, he looked at the ex-servants and reached out to snatch them up when Sera's voice interrupted him. 

"J-Just help her! Please!" Seraphina begged the giant, clutching Maddie's body close to her own and keeping pressure on the bullet hole. Her hands were covered in her friend's blood, it made her sick to her stomach. 

"Fine." Eric lifted the girls from the hole he created, glancing at Karen and Thompson before smirking. After he stood, he used his foot to kick the mound of dirt on top of the two, burying them alive in the earth. 

Had Sera not been so focused on her friend, she would have yelled at Eric, but nothing else mattered right now. She just wanted to get Maddie somewhere she could be taken care of. "Y-You'll be okay, it'll be j-just fine."

"What happened?" Eric asked as he carried them inside of the mansion, hurrying to a bedroom so that Sera can work on saving the white-haired maid. 

"K-Karen was going to shoot me, b-but Maddie saved me!" Seraphina cried, ripping part of Maddie's apron and pressing it against the gunshot wound. 

Falling silent, he lowered them onto the bed and watched. The timid maid he had buried in a jar, saved the woman he cares so deeply for. If Sera were to die...he'd most likely return to his cruel self. Humans would have once again taken what is precious to him.

"C-Can you get me some water, and t-towels, and bandages. I-I need to be quick, so please hurry." Sera raised a quick hand to Maddie's neck, able to detect a faint pulse. "She's alive. B-But I don't know how long she'll last." 

Wiping tears from her eyes, she kept the scrap of apron pressed firmly against the injury as Eric exited the room. "Why did it have to be me you loved?" She whispered to the unconscious maid. "Why? I'm no good for you, you'll only get hurt. I promise. If you survive- No, when you survive this I'll make sure you get the best person to love, and for them to love you back. I promise."

It didn't take long for the massive nobleman to return with a bowl of warm water, along with a towel fit for humans and bandages that Sera could easily rip to take care of the maid. 

And so, Eric watched in silence as the black-haired woman began to work. He could tell she was inexperienced at this sort of thing. But she was trying her best. He decided to take this time to think. 

For so long now, humans have feared him. What would happen now? Would he lose his power over all of them? Would he lose his position as a noble? And Sera...if Maddie dies just what will his sweet songbird do? 

Sera worked quickly on Maddie, hoping that faint pulse would last long enough. Her mind and heart were screaming at her. In her heart, she knew this wasn't her fault, but in her mind, she kept telling herself it was. The internal disagreement went on so long that she didn't know which part of herself she should agree with anymore.

By the time Sera had gotten the final bandage on, Maddie's pulse was almost completely gone. She pleaded to anyone or anything out there that could keep her friend alive. She'd never been much of a religious person, but now all she could do was have faith and hope that God wouldn't bring an angel he sent to Earth home just yet. 

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