Chapter Twenty-One

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"I wasn't even ten years old at the time. My mother, father, my one-year-old sister, and myself were alone. As far as we both knew, we were the only giants. And if there are any more, they will not reveal themselves. I wanted a friend. Someone I could trust, and talk to. So I turned to humans as a source." Eric spoke softly, his hazel eyes locked onto his hands that rested neatly in his lap. "My mother and father always told me I would have to be gentle, kind to them to get them to trust me."

Seraphina listened to his story, her deep blue pools silently scanning his facial features as he spoke. His lips curled downward into a frown, eyebrows furrowed in an upset look. If his mother had always told him to be kind and gentle, why would be so cruel now?

"I found a human woman caught in a hunter's bear trap. Naturally, I helped and asked if that made us friends. The woman only said yes and ran away. So you know, being the age I was, I trusted her when she came at night with groups of humans. At first, I was confused. My parents and sister were asleep and...that's how the humans got the jump on them. They killed my baby sister first. Then my mom. And my dad had just started to wake up when they killed him. I don't wish to go into any more detail. That is all you really need to know." Eric mumbled softly, using a hand to push his dark brown hair out of his face. He could feel the human's stare, and it made him shift uncomfortably in the chair.

"So that's why you treat humans the way you do. You don't want to get hurt again." Seraphina spoke in a whisper, unsure if the giant had even heard her. But she didn't want to talk any louder. Every time she tried to swallow, it felt like swallowing a burning coal. It scratched, it burned, it stings. 

"Yes. That must be why I took a liking to you so quickly though. It was so easy to see you were nothing like them. You don't have that murderous glint in your eyes, nor have you tried to pull anything when you've had plenty of moments to run away or do something." The giant ran his large fingers through his dark brown hair again, closing his eyes in thought. "Seraphina, let me ask you a question. Did you see where those four servants went? They were gone by the time I got there, they must have just pushed you and ran."

Now Sera's heart burns, thinking about the betrayal she received from the butler. Had Maddie not been around and was able to tell Eric about what happened, she most likely would not be lying against this huge plush pillow. She believed if she tried to speak, she would surely begin to cry, so she simply shook her head in response to his question.

"Hmph. Well. I'll be keeping a close eye out the windows and on you. If they know you aren't dead, they may come back to finish the job. And I don't want that." He reached his hand out towards the human, placing his index finger so it gently rested against her arm. "And you better get some rest. Once you've recovered then we can go look for them."

Seraphina instinctively flinched as his large hand approached her, but then she couldn't help but smile at his attempt to comfort her.  Does he really care so much about her? Or is this all a trick to make him trust her like Thompson had? Her smile faded, and once again, she only nodded her head in response to his words.

Eric, not bothering to warn Sera first, crawled from the chair up onto his bed beside her. He tried to be careful but wound up making her fall on her side, part of the pillow falling on top of her. "Oh, hold on." He said with a deep chuckle, using his hand to resituate her on the pillow he was letting her use.

"A-A little warning next time, please." Seraphina choked out, coughing into the bend of her arm. She weakly leaned into his gentle touch, her arms encircling a finger. "S-Stay."

Eric's hazel eyes widened at the human's actions, and he slowly laid on his back. He didn't pull his hand away from her and spoke in a gentle tone though it was supposed to be just a thought in general. "How are you so good at getting people to fall for you?"

The black haired female stayed silent, processing the question she could only assume was directed at her. But currently, she couldn't speak and curled up more against his warm hand. For the first time in the few days she's been here, she feels fully safe around the giant. He wasn't being cruel or putting his hatred of certain humans on her or the servants. 

He simply, silently, watched the human scoot closer to his hand to the point where he used a finger to gently lift her into his palm. Once he had done this, he was surprised to see that the woman had already fallen asleep. The poor thing must've been exhausted after this long day. And neither of them barely ate a thing for lunch or dinner. He'd have to take care of that when they both got up in the morning. Right now, he just takes a deep breath, closes his hazel eyes and allows himself to fall asleep with Seraphina in his palm; which he unconsciously shifted until she was pressed carefully against his chest.

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