Chapter Thirty-One

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~Three Years Later~

"How do I look?" Maddie asked softly, turning from the grand mirror to face Seraphina with a nervous smile. 

Sera clasped her hands together, looking at her friend. A white gown fit snuggly around her form, veil hanging down her back to the floor, and a red rose bouquet clutched in her hands. Her white hair was pulled up into an elegant bun. "Maddie, you look absolutely beautiful." She spoke gently, giving her a tight hug. 

"Thank you so much. You're the person who made this possible. I'm sorry I was a brat about it at first, but I've never been happier with someone before." 

"I know, and I'm so sorry that we have to do this in secret. Death penalties for same-sex marriages were abolished in 1861, but it is still frowned upon by far too many people for us to make this more open. I want you to be happy Maddie, you deserve it more than anyone." Sera smiled warmly and gripped the ex-maid's hands. "Now, you wait here for about three minutes while I go sit down and make sure everything else is ready."

She left the room, smoothing down her long pale blue dress. "Eric? Eric, where are you?" 

Eric stopped signing the paper that sat on his desk and stood from his chair. "Seraphina?" He turned his gaze towards the door as his little wife came into the large room. "What is it?"

"You're sure the priest won't say anything? I-I know that he's a man of God who might be more against this than anyone!" Sera looked up at her massive husband, a worried frown now on her face. 

"I'm certain. There is one thing humans love more than torturing each other. And that would be money. The priest will keep his mouth shut, and if he doesn't, who will people believe? Him, or a nobleman who holds more power than half of England's army?" Eric approached Sera with a smirk, lowering his hand to be palm up for her to climb onto. "Now let's pick up the bride and head to the main hall to meet with...well, the other bride." 

With a newly replenished confidence that this will go well, Sera nodded and waited patiently as Eric got Maddie from her room. Maddie isn't a maid anymore but instead is still allowed to live in the mansion as she had nowhere else to go. 

Maddie had actually met Alma while out fetching a few things for Sera when she had gotten sick. The two young women talked for quite some time, and both clearly had feelings for each other. Of course, with the way the world works they were frightened to tell anyone out of fear of being murdered, or even arrested. 

It was actually Eric's idea to hold the secret wedding in his mansion, away from the prying eyes of all of London. 

"It's really happening," Maddie whispered, peering over the edge of Eric's hand and looking at everything.

A few streamers, some balloons, a buffet table with a beautiful wedding cake Sera took the time to bake and decorate herself, and four chairs. One of the chairs was of course sized for Eric, while the rest were for Sera, Alma, and Maddie. 

And standing under the handcrafted alter that had roses and tulips laced onto it stood Alma, in an equally lovely wedding gown and bouquet in her hand that matched Maddie's. Her red hair and green eyes were watching Eric, and her red lips were curled into a nervous smile.

Eric lowered his hand slowly to the hardwood floor, letting his wife and Maddie off of his palm. He then took a seat in his own chair, watching Maddie approach Alma.

"Sorry that this isn't a very traditional wedding," Maddie whispered to her fiance with a soft giggle.

Alma gave a light laugh and pecked a quick kiss on Maddie's cheek, leaving a red lip print. "It's not a very traditional relationship either. It's perfect, just like you."

Seraphina watched the two with a wide smile, sitting in her own chair. Then the ground gave out from beneath her, or that's what it felt like. But instead, Eric was carefully lifting her and the chair up onto the arm of his own chair. 

"There, best seat in the house," Eric whispered with a playful smile before turning his attention to the priest, signaling for him to begin the ceremony.

Seraphina grabbed Eric's large finger before it could pull away and went back to watching Maddie and Alma far below on the ground. 

After three years of waiting and hoping she could pull this off, she finally fulfilled her promise to Maddie.

Thank you for reading! And Secret_Mistresses I hope this story is what you wanted it to be! ALSO! Remember to keep an eye out for when I start a new G/T!

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