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I blink to see if it was real. Squinting, I try to look closely and my thoughts are confirmed. Far down on one of the streets; there lies a woman on the pavement, her guts spilling out and blood pooling all around her. A weird guy seems to be leaning near her body, a piece of flesh in his hands. From what I can see, he's chewing on it.

Before I can think further and question what was going on, a loud explosion near the school building catches my attention. I rapidly snap my head up and stare at the view before me. The tall building is on fire, smoke spilling from the windows, exploding every few seconds.

What the fuck is going on?

I step back from the railing with my mouth open and my eyes wide. I hear the rattling of an engine and look above me to see a bunch of helicopters speeding off towards the building.

Okay, I'm going crazy.

I turn around and run back into school, speedily descending the stairs back into my classroom. I slam the door open and see all the students chatting among themselves. The teacher is nowhere to be seen but everyone is oblivious to what is going on outside.

Did they not hear the loud explosion?

I see Somi stand up from her seat and running up to me. "Sora! That was so amazing how you pissed off Ms. Choi" She said as Jungkook walked up behind her and put an arm over his girlfriend's shoulder.

"Yeah that was savage af" He said smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him until someone else spoke up.

"Ms. Choi is looking for you" I heard Namjoon's deep voice from beside me. I looked up at him with a straight face and nodded. Honestly, I didn't care. Right now, the problem was to find out what chaotic things were happening outside.

"Do you know what's going on outside?" I asked them, curiosity in my voice. They all furrowed their eyebrows, showing how they had no idea.

"Something's happening outside?" I heard another voice join our small circle. It was Taehyung. The weird kid in the class, though he is quite popular with the ladies despite having an alien personality. He's also a good friend of Jungkook and Namjoon.

"I saw a building on fire" I said simply not bothering to talk about the cannibalistic scene I saw earlier.

"So that explains the explosion" Somi said holding a hand on her heart. "I hope no one got hurt" She said worriedly.

"Don't worry babe. I'm here to protect you" Jungkook winked at her as I cringed in disgust.

"I'm not the one who needs protection" She said giving him a look even though she seemed happy he said such a cheesy line.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Namjoon about to speak but a loud blast interrupted him. We heard screams from the hallways and I saw students running out of their classrooms since I was standing on the door.

Some boys and girls from our class got up, panicked, and pushed me away to run out of class. "This is getting out of hand" Namjoon said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the doorway before I could fall.

I pulled my arm out of his grip quickly. He didn't pay any attention to is as Jungkook, Taehyung and Somi stepped to the side as well to let the people run out of class. Seconds later, we heard the school fire alarm go off and the rest of the pupils started leaving the class leaving about 11 people- including us- to just stare at each other in shock.

I saw Jungkook start walking toward the exit and spoke up. "I think it's best to stay here"

"And watch each other burn and die? It isn't called the fire alarm for nothing" He remarked, grabbing Somi's hand to take her with him.

I watched them walk out then looked at Namjoon and Taehyung to see if they were going to follow them. They looked at me quietly shrugging their shoulders.

"You hardly speak forget suggest something. I think we'll trust you on this one" Namjoon explained simply. He walked over to the window near my seat and I followed him to look outside. It was absolute chaos.

I could only see smoke and people running in all directions on the streets. They looked panicked and were running from something. "I don't think that alarm was set off because our building is on fire. I think it was set off to make all the students leave the school" Namjoon said, still looking out the window. He pointed at something and I followed his eyes.

"You see that? The person looks mental. It's walking in a weird way and chasing that man in front of him" He continued, analysing the situation.

"The other man is scared" Taehyung pointed out as he once again joined our conversation. Namjoon nodded as if he made a good point.

"That man is running away from that 'thing'" I emphasized the last word to show how I can't seem to call it a human. "Earlier..." I started speaking and backed away from the window. "I saw another mental person eating the flesh of a young woman from the roof top"

I heard a red haired girl gasp from behind us as if she couldn't believe it. I noticed the students who were left in the class were listening to our conversation silently. They seemed to trust Namjoon which is why they stayed here.

Taehyung and Namjoon looked at me in shock along with everyone else as soon as I told them what I saw earlier. For a minute, everyone was just silent until someone decided to speak up.

"Why is it so quiet?" I heard a groggy voice from the corner of the class. It was Min Yoongi, that one kid who always sleeps in class. Everyone looked at him and it dawned on me that he had just woken up. His black hair was messed up as he stretched his arms only to be met with complete silence.

"Were you seriously asleep the whole time" A guy asked, astonished, just like the rest of us.

"Yeah why?" Yoongi shrugged as he got up to look around. "Where is everyone?"

"I'll fill him in" the same girl who gasped earlier volunteered as she started telling him what happened.

"So basically we're having a zombie apocalypse?" He asked making me snap my head towards him. Until now, no one wanted to say it out loud but he easily stated it. It sparked something inside me as I realized how it fit together. We're still not sure but what other possibility could it be?

I saw Yoongi walk towards the open door and slam it shut. "It's too late to leave now. The corridors must be filled with walking dead corpses"

It hit me when he closed the door that Somi and Jungkook were still out there. Even if I didn't consider them my friends, Somi cared about me and I couldn't stand the thought of her getting hurt. "What about Jungkook and Somi... and the rest of our classmates" Taehyung spoke my thoughts.

"If you want to save them then be my guest" Yoongi said stepping aside. "We're still not sure if those 'things' have raided the school"

"That isn't safe. Maybe-" Namjoon was speaking but got interrupted when the door slammed open and in came Somi with a bleeding Jungkook leaning on her shoulder.

 Maybe-" Namjoon was speaking but got interrupted when the door slammed open and in came Somi with a bleeding Jungkook leaning on her shoulder

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why is he so gorgeous T-T


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