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My body was drenched in sweat. I could feel the warm bed comforter underneath me yet I didn't know where I was. It was pitch black, no sign of light anywhere. I felt another presence in the room; It did not move but I felt utterly threatened as I told my brain to figure things out.

Trying to move my body was a complete failure. It was like all the nerves in my body had suddenly shut down and betrayed me, telling me to find another way to get out of this situation. The presence moved closer and an involuntary whimper escaped my lips.

A shady silhouette of the presence came in my vision and I questioned how it was darker than the pitch blackness of the room. My heart started beating faster, almost making it seem like a drumroll as the presence stepped closer.

I saw a hand. It was pale, almost a bluish colour and the nails were filled with dirt and blood. I would've gagged in disgust if I could move my mouth but that wasn't the case when I saw the nails magically growing longer. The sinister hand came nearer and my breathing increased. What was it going to do to me? How did the nails grow so fast?

Just when the tip of a sharp nail from the longest finger touched the edge of my nose, the hand stopped. I heard a faint voice coming from right beside me yet it felt so far away. "Sora" Someone whispered my name and I finally noticed that the hand was gone. I observed the room get brighter, losing all its gloominess in an instant.

"Sora, wake up" I opened my eyes as soon as I got control of my body and jumped right up. My forehead was dripping with sweat and my breathing was faster than normal. I turned my head to look at where the voice was coming from and came eye to eye with deep brown eyes.

"Namjoon..." I trailed off as realization hit me that I just had a horrible nightmare. The said man looked at me with concerned eyes and went to grab my hand.

"Are you alright?" He asked as he sat on my bed, facing me. I felt the warmth of his hand emitting to mine and stared at it for a few seconds contemplating whether I should pull away or not. It took me a moment to realize that he was still waiting for an answer.

I nodded my head and pulled my blanket closer to me, wiping the sweat on my forehead with my sleeve. "What are you doing here?" My voice came out hoarse, as if I had just woken up from a deep sleep (which I had) and I looked at him.

Namjoon's face was very serious. He looked truly concerned but also angry for some reason I didn't know. "I heard whimpers from next door" He stated pointing to the open door behind him. It was true that Namjoon was sleeping in the room right next to mine but was I really that loud? Loud enough for him to hear and come wake me up.

I bit my lip as I observed his frown to try and find out why he was mad. "Who did that to you?" The brown haired male asked as he pointed at my bare arm, answering my thoughts as if he had just read my mind. I followed his finger and looked at one of the many ugly bruises on my arm.

Something triggered inside me and I pulled my hand away from his swiftly hiding it under the blanket and tugging it up to my neck. "No one" I looked away, not wanting him to pulverize me through eye contact.

"Sora" He spoke calmly, yet I could hear the anger in his voice. "You were abused" It was more of a question than a statement.

I thought about how I would've easily made him shut up with a sarcastic comeback and told him to mind his own business but something inside me said it wouldn't be a good idea. Yet I ignored my conscious and decided to push him away. Like always.

"No shit. You know I was" I stared at him without any emotion. "Don't stick your nose into other people's business. This has nothing to do with you"

I watched his eyes turn darker as his temper got to him. "For god's sake Sora. I'm just trying to help. I'm worried about you, so stop acting like none of this matters to you" He reached out and pulled my blanket down, exposing my collar bone which had a scar on it, leading down my shirt.

I thought back to how I got the scar and remembered my mom's boyfriend with a knife. It was a horrible night and most of the things I could remember was fainting and then waking up on the floor the next day. I wondered how I even survived the whole night with blood dripping out of my chest. The cut wasn't too deep but it was deep enough to leave an ugly scar.

Namjoon's eyes widened but his hands stayed on the blanket, stopping me from covering up my body again. I stared at his hands while biting my lip knowing he'd seen my ugly scar and how he knew what had happened to me. He started speaking. "Sora... why did you never tell-"

I don't know what came over me but I slightly pushed him off me and went to lay down again, cutting him off. "Please Namjoon, I don't want to talk about this right now" I pulled the blanket up to my neck once again as I stretched my legs to make myself comfortable.

A lot was on my mind and I was not in the mood to talk about my past. I wasn't surprised when Namjoon got up with a sigh and walked to the door. The thoughts of my nightmare flooded my mind and I shivered at the thought of being alone in this big room for the rest of the night.

It was like the male read my mind because he closed the door instead of leaving the room. Next he raised the blankets and joined me on the bed without a care in the world. I raised my eye brow as he faced me, only being a few feet away.

He shrugged. I couldn't be bothered to tell him to leave or go away so I just closed my eyes while in the same position. "Night Sora" He whispered.

And for the first time in many years I smiled and replied. "Night'"

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