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"C'mon Yoongi hyung! Please" Jimin begged. Yoongi was staring at the ceiling while lying on the sofa on his back. I silently sipped my orange juice.

"Lazy ass" Jimin huffed when the male didn't reply. He turned towards me with the brightest puppy dog eyes as if silently persuading me to accept. I had to keep myself from melting when he sent me a pleading pout. "So-"

"No." I replied cutting him off before he could even say my name.

"Ugh forget them" Jungkook said as he joined the small circle Taehyung, Namjoon, Somi and Jimin had made. He spun the bottle sitting in the centre and waited for it to point at someone. "Tae!" He smirked then leaned forward. "Truth or dare?"

I have no idea why these idiots are playing truth or dare when their own classmates died before their very own eyes and the world is being taken over by dead people. They think this is all a joke. I was very annoyed yet I couldn't bring myself to leave the room because these gruesome visions kept popping up in my head.

Even when I was taking a bath, I felt the same depressing feeling I felt ever since my mother became abusive. But this was worse. Visions of walkers eating dead people and my classmate Hyejung attacking me were haunting me each time I tried to relax. For once I was too scared to sleep knowing that those hideous creatures could somehow break in and kill each of us.

I calmed myself down and let out a few tears while taking a bath. Now I was here, watching them joke around and pretend like everything is normal.

"Dare" Taehyung replied with a mischievous smile.

"I dare you to lick that dusty lamp in the corner" Namjoon spoke up almost instantly. It seemed like he had already thought of a dare before the game even started. I leaned back in my seat.

Taehyung groaned as Jimin went over and brought the lamp to where they were sitting. It took a while but he finally completed the dare with Jungkook and Somi forcing his head on the lamp. The face he made was funny and I let out a small smile.

No one noticed.

This time Somi spun the bottle and fortunately it landed on Jimin. Before anyone could even ask him truth or dare he quickly spoke up. "I'm a man so I'll take dare"

I saw Somi's eyes go from Jimin to a sleeping Yoongi then back at him with an evil smirk. "Jimin-shii ... I dare you to kiss Yoongi" She spoke, the creepy smile never leaving her face.

"On the lips, without waking him up" Namjoon added and high-fived Somi looking proud of himself. Poor Jimin looked scared out of his wits. I would've felt the same knowing how scary Yoongi can be if anyone wakes him up.

*caution slight yoonmin ahead*

I sat up, slowly getting interested in the game. "Good one babe" Jungkook spoke up as he put an arm around Somi's shoulder with a smirk of his own. This time Taehyung took the lead and urged Jimin to move towards Yoongi.

The pink haired male turned to me as a last resort and mouthed 'help'. I looked at him blankly because I was in favour of this dare. He should be happy anyway because everyone knows he likes Yoongi yet will never acknowledge it.

After a while, Jimin let out a sigh, got up and stood on top of Yoongi who was sleeping soundly. He looked at us and the others gave him a thumbs-up as if to say 'go on'.

Jimin bit his lip nervously before leaning down and lining his lips with Yoongi's. I silently squealed when he pecked Yoongi's lips and quickly pulled away with wide eyes. We all waited silently for Yoongi to wake up but all he did was smile a bit in his sleep.

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