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Lee Sora




I never felt so shut down before. There was a dull piercing sound ringing in my ears and I could neither feel nor see anything. I had no idea where I was because everything was so black.

Am I dead?

Is this how I end?

I don't even remember how I died.

Then as if my lazy senses decided to awaken, I started feeling again. The first thing I realized was the sound of a chopper's blades cutting through the wind creating the most unbearable noise. I made a strong effort to open my eyes that seemed to be glued shut and a bright light poked at my brown orbs causing them to snap shut again.

My body shook because of the vibrating bed beneath me and things clicked into place before I could even fully awaken. I was in a helicopter.

"....it ....like she....waking.. up" I heard a voice. I couldn't make out who it was because of the loud noise in the background. I finally managed to open my eyes and came face to face with a grey ceiling and a large window that showed the bright blue sky containing big balls of white fluff. The sun was illuminating everything including the two shady figures sitting near me.

I looked at the first guy who was wearing very large headphones along with a camouflage shirt making him seem like he was in the army. He had small dark brown eyes paired with full lips and a decent nose. The sides of his head were shaved short giving him a quiff sort of hairstyle. If I wasn't as confused as I was right now, I may have even called him handsome. My eyes travelled to the second guy widening in a matter of seconds.

He had very familiar dark brown hair and a long face that reminded me of an adorable horse. He was still good-looking none-the-less.


I should not be calling my cousin handsome.

"Sora!" Hoseok yelled my name and leaned closer trying to shake me. I snapped to reality and mustered up enough energy to lazily push him away and sit up. Groaning because of my aching body, I leaned against the soft wall behind me and stared at the two men in front of me.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sighing in relief that I was awake. I coughed trying to get rid of the dryness in my throat. The guy sitting beside Hoseok grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to me. I took it gratefully and gulped down the water trying to quench my thirst.

"Where am I?" I asked emptying the water down my mouth and screwing the cap on before putting the bottle by my side.

"Well it's a long story but-"

"Wait" I cut Hoseok off with wide eyes. "Where's N-Namjoon?"

Hoseok stayed quiet for a while trying to figure out an answer. My eyes moved to the other man who seemed to be looking away guiltily. Maybe it was just my instinct but I sat up and grabbed the man's collar suspiciously. "Where is he?" I gritted my teeth looking at the guilty man. It took him a moment to react but his expression relaxed and he made me let go of his collar.

"I don't know who you're talking about" He stated.

"Hoseok te-" It was his turn to cut me off.

"Just calm down and relax. There is a lot that happened during the past few hours and I saw no sign of your boyfriend" He told me. He was out with the other guys the last time I saw him. I was too tired to panic at the moment so I let it go and ask another important question.

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