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"So now what?" Taehyung asked as we sat around one of the lunch benches still inside the food court/lunch hall. Somi was stuffing her face with some pizza she found in the pantry and Jungkook was trying to make her stop but she wouldn't budge. I've never seen this wild side of Somi before.

"We can't go back" Jimin spoke looking at his friend.

"And we can't stay here" Jungkook said pointing at the window where we could see loads of walkers snapping their jaws at the glass whilst staring at us hungrily. The glass looked like it would break any minute. I sat there quietly listening to all of them as usual. I watched as Taehyung unwrapped two lollipops and plopped them into his mouth making him look like a chipmunk with both of his cheeks stuffed.

Honestly I didn't plan to stay with them. My one priority was to make sure my grandmother was alright and safe. And I was going to go to her house by finding a vehicle because the streets were probably filled with walkers.

I stood up grabbing my weapon and the bag filled with food and bandages along the way and causing them all to look at me. "This is where I leave. Good luck" I said and started to walk away when I felt a hand grip my wrist. I whipped my hand out of the grip and turned around to punch the person in the face.

For some reason I knew it was Namjoon and my hand stopped right before it could give him a hard blow on the face. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you not to touch me" I spoke with my teeth gritted in anger.

He backed away with his arms raised and then sheepishly put his hand on his head. "Sorry. But I just can't let you leave like that. You're going to die out there alone"

"He's right! I want all of us to stay together and survive through this" Somi decided to speak up. I looked at her then sighed.

"Does any of you have a car?" I asked.

"I do" Yoongi said without looking up. He was sitting on the table with his legs crossed in a weird position like that guy 'L' from 'death note'. "It's in the parking lot and I can drive" He finished.

"How? You just turned 18" Jimin asked.

"I never said I had a license" He smirked.


"Watch out!" Someone screamed from behind me as Taehyung jumped over a broken pole that stood in our way. We were running towards the parking lot with at least a dozen walkers trailing behind us. I took out half a scissor from my pocket and threw it behind me but it just fell on the ground doing no damage to any of the crazy dead people behind us.

'Well that was a waste' I sighed at myself as I ran faster to catch up with the others. Jungkook was surprisingly fast at running even though his leg was damaged and Yoongi was leading everyone to his car in the front.

I saw a black land rover standing at the far end and secretly hoped that was Yoongi's car. To my luck, it was because Yoongi started running towards it and took out his keys and pressed a button causing the car to unlock. Every one followed him and he quickly opened the driver seat door and jumped in.

I stayed back as everyone started piling into the car. The walkers were very close to us and I was standing with my back to the land cruiser preparing myself to fight them. But before I could even stab one of them in the head, I felt an arm wrap around my waist and me being lifted off the ground.

My weapon fell out of my hand and soon I was in the car sitting on someone. I heard the car door slam beside me as Yoongi started the car and reversed it out of the parking slot. I looked out the glass to see the walkers scratching on the windows trying to break it but then they were out of my view as the car turned around. Yoongi drove out of the parking lot managing to hit loads of walkers on the way.

I was out of breath from all the running and so was everyone. That's when I realized I wasn't exactly sitting on something soft. I turned my head to see that I was on top of Namjoon. "What the hell Namjoon!" I screamed at him as I punched his chest. He groaned in pain and grabbed both of my hands before I could hit him any further.

The car turned left causing me to lean on the door and give me a clearer view of the guy I was sitting on top of. "There was no space so I had to put you on my lap. Plus you're lighter than I expected" He said as he smirked and let go of my hands.

I realized we were in the passenger seat and Yoongi was right beside us driving with concentration. I looked past Namjoon to see Taehyung sitting in the middle in the back seat. He smiled and waved at me with the remains of a lollipop stick in his mouth. The other one must have fell when we were running.

I looked back at Namjoon. "Are you calling me fat?" I glared at him as the car jumped and Yoongi turned it around again making me sway.

"What? No!" He screamed, terrified knowing he pissed me off.

"And you put me on your lap on purpose" I yelled at him ready to punch him again when someone from the back spoke up.

"Calm down Sora. We had no choice. I mean look at me, I'm sitting on Jungkook's lap" Somi said making me look at her and see that she was right. Jimin was on the right while Taehyung sat in the middle. Jungkook was sitting on the left with Somi on top of him. He leaned sideways and sent me a creepy smile.

"Ugh I hate you" I said to Namjoon as I twisted around to sit between his legs. There wasn't much space which made it extremely uncomfortable including the already bumpy ride. I looked at Yoongi who looked really stressed having to drive such a big car through all this chaos.

I looked outside at the apocalyptic scene before me. A building was burning, clouds were covering the shady sky making the atmosphere even more depressing and the sun was setting, showing that it was almost the end of this horrible day.

As we were driving on a bridge showing an even clearer view of the abandoned cars and homes in the streets below us I decided to speak up. "So where exactly are we going?"

Finally Yoongi spoke up "My place".

If you haven't already noticed, a lot of these scenes are from 'highschool of the dead' XD fuck my non-creative mind

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If you haven't already noticed, a lot of these scenes are from 'highschool of the dead' XD fuck my non-creative mind.

Last Ones Standing | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now