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"Tell me that isn't a bite" Taehyung spoke running up to his friend and making him sit down on the teacher's chair. Somi shook her head and bend down, putting her hand on her knees to catch her breath. We all watched silently as Jungkook put his bloody leg on the table and groan in pain, scrunching his eyes in the process.

I watched from afar as Taehyung rolled up the end of his pants to see how bad it was. There was a deep gash leading from his knee to his ankle, blood gushing out of it like freshly opened wound. Somi looked around to grab something to stop the bleeding.

"How did this happen?" Namjoon decided to question as soon as Somi put a white cloth on top of Jungkook's wound and put pressure on it with her fingers. He hissed in pain.

"The school front gate was completely blocked and these stupid people were pushing each other to get out as quickly as possible so I decided to take one of the fire exits in the back" Jungkook said while watching his girlfriend do everything she can to stop the bleeding. "When we were out in the courtyard this crazy chick jumped on us and tried to bite me" Everyone in the classroom was listening carefully by now. "I kicked her in the face and we ran back inside because we saw more crazy people coming our way. They were terrifying, they had their faces covered with blood and their clothes were torn apart. The worst thing was that I could see parts of their bodies ripped off, probably one of the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. Anyway, we were coming back here when a kid knocked me over and jumped on Somi... A broken piece of glass somehow scratched me and now I have this beauty" Jungkook pointed to the now completely red cloth that was covering half of his leg.

"Somi, are you okay?" That red haired girl (I really need to know her name) came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

"She was amazing. You know how those hot chicks kick the bad guy's butts in movies, she looked exactly like one of them" Jungkook said as he winked at Somi. On the other hand Somi was really quiet, a very unusual thing for her.

I looked closely as she stared at the floor with her hair falling on her face and noticed a tear drop fall on the floor. "She's crying dumbass" I retorted to Jungkook who was too busy telling everyone his heroic tales.

Tomato girl turned Somi around and hugged her tightly whispering calming things in her ear. "It's okay. You're safe now" She patted her back as I went nearer and looked at Somi sympathetically. Honestly, I did feel sorry that she had to see all that but worse is yet to come and there is no time to cry. Though I didn't say anything.

Before we could continue talking I heard a low growl from right outside the wide open door. It seemed as if no one else payed attention to it because they were worried about the two people who had come in only minutes ago.

"Yoongi" I hissed pointing at the door and felt my feet automatically move to close it. However, I was too far away and saw something already entering our class. Yoongi moved swiftly as he tried to close the door halfway through and the monster that was now almost in, got stuck halfway through.

It growled waving its hand to reach into the class with half its head and body stuck between the door. This thing looked generally like a normal person but its eyes were bloodshot red. It seemed like its neck was cracked because it was leaning to the side in a very unnatural way and it looked everywhere like it couldn't see anything.

"Push it close" Namjoon yelled as he ran up to help Yoongi to try and close the door shut. Taehyung and the other guy in our class decided to follow his lead and help slam it shut. "Don't let it get inside" Jungkook said as he watched from afar, looking at us worried.

"Stay here" I told Somi and tomato girl then picked up one of the chairs. "Don't let the door go. I think there are more behind it" I said and slammed the chair on the floor, away from everyone. One of the poles came off from the hinges and I used my feet to rip it out completely. Somi and tomato girl moved back in fear as they saw the monstrous thing manage to squeeze itself even further inside the class.

I grabbed the pole and pointed its sharp ends toward the door. "If you stab them on the head, they die" I said remembering how they did it in 'the walking dead' and every other zombie movie (hopefully this works in real life).

I got closer to the monster and looked at the guys who were giving it their all to push the door shut and not let the thing get any further inside. I was afraid, yes, but it was more important to stop it or we'd all die. No one else could do it but me. All the guys were busy holding the door, Jungkook was hurt, Somi and tomato girl were terrified. Now it was all up to me.

I easily put the sharp end of the pole on the skull while the thing just flailed around not noticing that it was about to be stabbed in the head and then I pushed. I closed my eyes, put all my strength into my arms, gripping the pole tightly and stabbed it.

Blood splattered on my face as I felt the pole fall out of my grip.

I opened my eyes and watched the gruesome thing fall down almost instantly with the pole still stuck in its head. It was blocking the door with its lifeless body but Yoongi was fast to move and kick the thing out of the door way and finally he slammed it shut. Taehyung and Namjoon dragged the teacher's desk in front of the door and blocked it completely.

I dropped down on my knees to catch my breath which I didn't know I was holding and looked at everyone who were giving me amazed expressions. "That was badass" Jungkook said as Taehyung lend me a hand to help me up. I quickly rejected it and got up dusting my skirt and nodding my head without any expression.

 I quickly rejected it and got up dusting my skirt and nodding my head without any expression

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I cry ;-;

Btw patience, the romantic scenes will be coming up soon *wink* *wink*

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