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"Fuck" I cursed under my breath and looked down in annoyance. I was completely still hoping the person wouldn't see me if I didn't move but I knew he had already noticed my presence.

"Sora?" He whispered, recognizing me in an instant.

The sky was dark, stars illuminating the sky, standing their happily as if the world wasn't in total chaos. The sounds of crickets chirping reached my ear making the silence even more obvious than before. I sighed as I decided to turn around and face the man.

"Where do you think you're going?" Namjoon continued to inspect me like he just caught me sneaking out at night. I mean I was sneaking out at night but he wasn't my father or had the right to question me. I tilted my neck up to look him straight in the eyes.

"I'm leaving" The words came out against my will. I didn't want to tell him I was leaving because I knew he'd stop me or tell everyone in the house because it was too dangerous. He probably already knew anyway.

"Why?" He asked, his dark brown eyes staring at me curiously. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart so I averted my eyes and looked at my shoes. He stepped forward almost urging me to tell him but I stepped away.

"I have to go Namjoon. I want to go and check if my family is alive" I said biting my lip and looked back at him again. This was turning out to be so dramatic unintentionally. I watched his mouth slowly turn into a frown and his eyebrows moving down, showing how his temper was getting to him.

"Family?!" He asked a hint of anger in his voice. "The family that abuses you and has made your life so shitty that you refuse to open your heart to anyone?" His voice was growing louder. Namjoon grabbed my hand harshly and pulled my sleeve up to reveal the faded bruises. "The family that does this to you everyday?"

I don't know why but I felt scared. For the first time in a while I was actually scared from someone that wasn't my mother. I knew he wouldn't hurt me but just him raising his voice at me made a shiver go up my spine.

I pulled my hand away and spoke up, still staring at the ground. "Not that family. My grandmother you idiot" My voice came out low and it almost sounded like I was speaking to myself. He seemingly calmed down and grabbed my hand again.

"Then I'm going with you" Namjoon said causing my head to shoot up and stare at him in shock. Was he really going to go as far as to roam the dangerous streets with me just because he cared? I didn't know people like this still existed. "And of course I have to see my family too" He smiled cheekily, revealing his adorable dimples.

That was a quick change of mood. Maybe he's bipolar.

I rolled my eyes even though I felt my heart warm up in happiness. A feeling I had never felt in my life. "On one condition" I stated as I pulled my hand away from his warm grip, gently. He raised his eyebrow as if saying 'try me'. "You have to get me a rifle from that locker"


"You sure everyone is asleep?" I asked as we sneaked into the living room. He nodded his head and went towards the cabinet, grabbing the handle and opening it slowly not wanting to cause any noise. I stood at the door just in case anyone decided to come down here.

I waited for Namjoon to grab a few weapons including bullets, guns and even bombs and hurry back to me. He handed me a rifle and I quickly loaded it, putting it on the side of my backpack so it was easy to reach. He stuffed his bag with the weapons and we both quietly walked out of the room.

Namjoon wrote an apology note and stuck it on a wall because he felt bad for stealing Yoongi's things. Shortly after we exit the large and luxurious house through the main door and closed it securely behind us. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I asked him just to make sure he wasn't going to regret coming with me.

Namjoon confidently nodded his head and sent me a comforting smile. "I'll protect you and get you to your grandmother safely"

"Damn you don't have to make a pledge and act all heroic. It's not a movie" I stated causing him to burst out laughing. Did I say something funny? I sent him a weird look.

"Sorry I just never knew you could joke" He shrugged as we walked to the gates. I wanted to say 'it wasn't a joke' but changed my mind. Namjoon didn't know the passcode to open the gate so I took the lead and pressed in the numbers, remembering what Yoongi told me when we came here the first time.

The street was quiet, not a single sign of any presence nearby but I still took out a knife. My customized weapon sat at the side of my bad so I could easily grab it in emergencies just like the rifle. Earlier, I had stuffed two bottles of water and some food so I wouldn't starve to death if I couldn't find any food and hopefully Namjoon did as well. "Ladies first" He said.

I walked out into the street feeling exposed and vulnerable but kept my guard up. Namjoon followed me and jiggled some keys in his hands. I raised my eyebrow and he pressed the button on the car keys and I heard a car honking open from the garage. "You idiot" I hissed. "That could wake anyone up. Worse, cause loads of walkers to come here"

He had a smug smile on his face. "Well then we better hurry up"

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