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The hospital was rather quiet and empty. No signs of any dead bodies on the floor which surprised me since I expected people to go to the hospital after the outbreak. The sound of my shoes hitting the marble floor echoed through the large room and I knew there were no walkers in here after hearing no sounds of growling.

I walked towards the counter and looked at things. My main objective was to find a person who was alive and not psycho and could help me carry Namjoon onto a bed. There was a checklist sitting on the table and I grabbed it to read what was written on it.

"Food...check" I read out loud and saw how it was a list for a survivor. "Ammo... check. Who does this belong to?" I questioned out loud as I examined the handwriting.

"Put your hands in the air" A voice came from beside me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I stayed still before moving my head to look at the intruder.

"What are you? A police officer" I asked as I raised my hand when I saw a gun in his hand. His face was hidden in the dark. I couldn't stop myself from speaking though because I knew the male was young and of no harm. It was one of my skills to identify who was a threat to me and who wasn't. This guy wasn't. Even if he was pointing a gun at me.

"Drop the knife" He continued, ignoring my sarcastic remark. I obliged hesitantly because I knew the pistol was placed in the waistband of my jeans and if he tried to do anything, I could easily pull it out.

"Look man I just need som-" I started speaking but he cut me off.

"Shut up. I have nothing to give you" He said as he came near me, still pointing his gun at me and quickly grabbed the knife. I caught a glance of his face and it was indescribably handsome. He was like an anime character that had come to life.

He was tall and his shoulders were wide, his hair covering his forehead and his thick plump lips pulled into a straight line. He looked like he was trying to keep a poker face on.

"Just hear me out" I said slowly putting my hands down and turning to face him. He still had his gun pointed at me and was observing my every movement but I didn't mind. He was being careful which was a smart move.

"Talk" He said as he relaxed his tense shoulders.

"My friend Namjoon has been hurt really badly and I need your help to carry him in one of the rooms. He isn't bitten or anything and I promise we won't get in your way" I said simply. There was a hint of desperation in my voice but I tried not to sound too weak.

"You look pretty young to be going out there alone with your friend" He spoke, his voice kind of charming and calm at the same time. I nodded my head and started telling him how we were in school when the apocalypse broke out and how I'm trying to find my grandmother who is 'the only family I have'. I left out some parts that included Yoongi's mansion and how I killed loads of walkers and even a person.

The man nodded his head. "Okay. I'll help you, since I feel a bit alone anyway and you look trustworthy" He said and I smiled in thanks.

"By the way, I'm Lee Sora" I introduced myself and he smiled bowing slightly. Wow people were still normal to be able to bow to a person they meet.

"I'm Kim Seokjin. Nice to meet you"


Kim Namjoon

A bright white light poked into the room and I scrunched up my eyes. I tried to move my leg to get into a more comfortable position but a sharp pain shot up my leg causing my eyes to jolt open.

"Well look who finally decided to wake up" An angelic voice came from beside me. I turned my head almost instantly. Sora sat on a white chair not too far from me and the sun light shone on her pale face making her seem like a Greek Goddess. Except the ragged clothes, the messy hair and the dirt on her face ruined the whole image.

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