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"We've found your friends" Mino said. A sense of relief overcame me however I didn't even get a chance to smile when his transceiver started making static sounds again. He quickly put it near his ear to block out the background noise.

As I watched him converse to the other person, I observed how his smile turned into a frown and his eyes became sad with ...what was that?


I already knew what was coming when he looked at me again, with a sad face this time.

"They ... uh they're not alive"


A few hours earlier



"Is she awake?" Mino asked. He looked back from the passenger seat. Hoseok shook his head as he observed Sora's soft breathing. She looked so much better when she was sleeping instead of yelling at him all the time.

"I'm not sure about this" Hoseok said as he turned his gaze to the light blue sky. He had a worrying frown on his face.

The other man ran a hand through his hair silently before taking a deep breath and moving to sit next to Hoseok. Placing his hand on the latter's shoulder, Mino looked at the peaceful, sleeping girl. "You want to protect her right?"

Hoseok nodded his head lightly, refusing to shift his gaze. "Then just go along with it. She's very strong and experienced. We need her- we need you. Trust me, this is to protect everyone."

The light brown haired man looked at Mino. "I know... but lying to her just doesn't seem right"

"You told me she would never go with us if her lover is not with her. We have to convince her that he's gone for now and later, we'll tell her. I promise" Mino attempted to convince him. Hoseok sighed and nodded his head.

As Mino sighed in relief and started to move back to his original seat Hoseok stopped him. "But I have to warn you. If she finds out the truth, she will not hesitate to kill you" Hoseok said in a scared voice shivering at the thought of a mad Sora.

Lee Sora

"Give. Me. That. Transceiver" I repeated my words slowly. Mino's pitiful look turned from sad to confused. He glanced at Hoseok who was avoiding my gaze as much as he could and chuckled nervously.

"Now why wo-"

"Just give me the damn thing!" I yelled, cutting him off. I was fuming all over. The need to confirm was overtaking my body and I was losing self-control. If this was true I wouldn't even think twice before jumping out of the helicopter.

"Sora you need to calm the fuck down" Mino's expression turned stoic as his soldier self quickly took over. He didn't hesitate to come near me and take out a pair of handcuffs. "Now I don't want you to do anything stupi-"

"Why won't you give me the transciever?!" I said desperately. My anger was replaced with desperation as soon as he took out the handcuffs. There was something definitely wrong. His refusal to hand me the device was unnerving and unnatural. If only he'd give the transceiver to me so I could talk to the person on the other side and confirm it was them.

He reached out to grab my arm; I slapped his hand away and tried to get up in self-defence when Mino pushed me back to the bed. He climbed on top of me, stopping my legs from thrashing around and held my arms above my head. "Let me go!" I screamed as I squirmed around.

Managing to loosen his grip, I slapped him across the face. He instantly became red with anger and handcuffed my other arm to the railing of the seat. As soon as he was done he moved away and held his hands in front of me. "Hoseok!" I yelled glaring at him instead. "Tell him to uncuff me this fucking instant"

Hosoek gulped and looked at Mino then back at me. "I'm sorry" He mumbled causing me to freeze in shock. This can't be happening. This seems too pathetic to be real.

How can they just fucking die like that?

How can he just die like that?

Mino had turned from a nice, charming man to a cruel, bad guy. I couldn't bring myself to believe anything that was happening because everything seemed wrong. I took three deep breaths to calm myself down before looking up to stare at Mino.

"Can I please talk to the person who found the dead bodies?" My mouth felt dry. The last word made my insides churn in nervousness. Mino shook his head.

"He's busy"

I lost my cool again. "THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE'S BUSY" The sound of the handcuffs rattling rang in the flying vehicle. I tried my hardest to pull my hand out of the handcuffs but only ended up hurting myself as my wrist started to bleed. Tears of anger and frustration were now staining my cheeks.

Mino turned away and looked at the other pilot. "How long till we get there?"

That bastard. He looked so heartless.

Just as I was going to throw another tantrum, I spotted a pistol placed on Mino's belt barely within my reach. I leaped out without thinking and wrapped my hand around the gun. Successful, I pulled back with full force causing Mino to turn around and grab for my arm. I hardly escaped when Hoseok reached out and grabbed my elbow. I took this as a chance to kick him on the stomach.

Bitch mode: ON.

Now before y'all get your wigs in a twist! all I want to say is yes I know this is a short chapter, yes I know i changed the book to complete even tho it isn't, yes i haven't updated in 3 fucking months so;

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Now before y'all get your wigs in a twist! all I want to say is yes I know this is a short chapter, yes I know i changed the book to complete even tho it isn't, yes i haven't updated in 3 fucking months so;


I love you all plz don leave me ;-;

IM soooooooooooo very sorry. I shall try my best to get back on schedule and get over this writers block so stay tuned for the next update.

Like I said the book isn't finished just yet :D

here have beautiful Jungkook image as an apology <3

here have beautiful Jungkook image as an apology <3

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Last Ones Standing | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now