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"What the fuck happened in here?" I asked and observed the young man's baffled expression. He looked at me confused and shocked, completely clueless. Before I could say anything or figure things out, Jungkook's eyes shifted behind me and widened even further. Before I could assume that there was someone behind me, I felt myself falling forward by the force of a small hand on my upper back. I blocked the fall with my hands sending a jolt of pain through my arms. I groaned but soon felt another body on top of me.

Shit, I'm done for.

"Hyung-" Jungkook shouted as he kicked the walker off of me and helped me get up. It was only now that I realized the kid didn't have a gun. I turned to face the creature and having fast reflexes, jumped to the side dodging any sort of danger and whipped out my pistol. Before I could even look at the thing, it lunged at Jungkook, a low growl leaving its throat.

The sound of both of them landing on the floor ran through the room. I tried to get an aim at the creature but froze. The clothes it- or should I say she was wearing were awfully familiar. Only earlier had I seen that long shiny black hair which was now covered with dried blood. The bracelet on her hand could only belong to one person.

It was Somi.

My body was dumbfound and my brain was trying to understand, hoping what my eyes saw wasn't real. I blinked once, twice and examined her again. Her usually pale white skin was covered with blood and fresh wounds consisting of bite marks. I couldn't see her eyes because they were too busy staring at Jungkook.

Jungkook was still oblivious and confused to what was going on. He couldn't really see her face because her hair was covering it and he was too busy trying not to get bitten by what he assumed was just another walker. I didn't know what to do.

The person trying to bite Jungkook was his very own girlfriend and he was depending on me to shoot at her. I knew she had already turned and there was no way back. I just don't want him to blame me after he finds out who she is.

So I did the rational thing and kicked her off of him rather harshly. He lay there on the floor waiting for me to shoot yet I stood still. Somi was starting to gain her posture, trying to get up and lunging at him again when Jungkook finally stood up, snatched the gun away from me and pulled the trigger.

Despite the sound of shooting from outside, this one shot rang in my ears. I felt my heart drop at the sight of seeing my friend killing his own lover unknowingly. Seconds passed, as I stood there watching the realization dawn on his face.

Her body fell on the white floor, reddening it with the blood leaking from her head. Her fragile lifeless body hitting the hard wooden floor losing posture. 'She was already dead' I told myself as the pistol dropped from Jungkook's hand moments later. He stared at her completely stunned.

"Jungkook I tr-" My attempted words of comfort were cut off when Jungkook's voice cracked.

"S-Somi..." He stumbled toward the body he had just shot at. "I-it can't be" He mumbled, as he fell on his knees near her face. With shaking hands, he removed the strands of hair from her face and choked on his next words.

"No" He said. "No no no no this can't be happening to me" He shook his head and grabbed her face examining it closely. I could see his heart break through his teary eyes as he struggled to accept what he had just done.

"Wake up" He shook her. "Don't do this to me baby"

I felt the sadness and pity build in my heart as I saw him struggle to understand what was happening. "Somi wake up. You said you would never leave me" He sobbed and grabbed her body, pulling it in for a hug. "I love you please come back!" He said rather loudly as if the force in his voice would bring her back to life. "I'm sorry" He continued to beg. I kneeled beside him and sadly rubbed his back.

"She had already turned, Kook'" I told him as he sobbed his heart out. "It's not your fault" I sighed wondering if he was even listening to me.

"No!" He let go of her body and pushed me away. "You said she'd be alright!" He yelled at me, lashing his anger out at me. I got up and looked at the ground accepting my mistake. "You said Sora would protect her" He yelled again and I flinched.

Not because of his loud voice but because of the mention of Sora. It snapped me back to reality and I looked at him horrified. If Somi turned into a walker then where was Sora?

Jungkook fell back on the ground and continued to cry whilst staring at his lover's dead body. I took this as my chance to escape the room and yell her name. I ran around, checking every room I could but found nothing. My heart felt heavy with worry as I bumped into Jimin. "What's wrong hyung?" He said completely unaware of what was happening. "Did you find them yet?"

I looked at him blankly then at the room Jungkook and Somi used to share then back at him. "Somi..." I trailed off. He stared at me curiously urging me to go on. "She turned" I said simply and saw him gasp. Not wanting to deal with what happened anymore, I let him run to the room while I went back downstairs.

My priority right now was to find Sora. I cursed at myself for not going to the garage in the first place then proceeded to run to the sound of the generator. Killing any sort of obstacle in my way, I kicked open the small door next to the garage, only to find dead bodies in there. The generator was shaking, showing that it was on but there was no sign of her anywhere.

The dead bodies on the floor had stabs in their heads showing someone had killed them. This gave me a bit of hope that she was still alive. I kicked through the bodies, catching glimpses of their faces just in case and sighed in relief that none of them were her. However that worried me too.

Where in the world could she be?

Where in the world could she be?

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