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"There's only one bed" I stated as soon as I stepped into the guest room halmeoni had assigned us to. It was a normal sized room which I had been to many times before whenever I stayed the night over here. To my surprise my grandmother thought Namjoon and I would be sharing this bed just because we're dating now.

"I can see that" He replied sarcastically. I gave him a look for showing sass to me and he backed away just in case I'd punch him. I rolled my eyes as I threw my bag on the queen sized bed.

"You can sleep on the floor" I said as I ran a hand through my dirty hair. I hadn't washed it in a while, undoubtedly because there were no showers in the hospital.

"Oh come on. Don't act like we haven't slept together before" Namjoon said as he took a seat on an armchair nearby. I gave him another look. "Don't give me that look. You're the one who took that sentence the wrong way" He added with a smirk causing a blush to appear on my cheeks.

"I did not, you pervert" I said, embarrassed by the fact that he read my mind.

"Then why did you blush" He asked, being the smartass he is. The pink on my cheeks became red as the blood rushed onto my face.

"I didn't" I protested as I looked away.

"You're cute when you blush" He added onto the teasing. The brown haired male was clearly enjoying this.

"Shut up. I'm going to take a shower" I said as I practically stomped to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind me. Why did I agree to date him again?

I put my cold hands onto my cheeks to cool them down then moved to open the shower and adjust its temperature to warm. I stripped down to nothing and stepped in as soon as I could only to sigh in delight. It felt nice to let warm water run down my body after a tiring day.

I let the water dampen my medium length hair before reaching out to grab a random shampoo. Just as I was pouring some into my palm, I heard the door creak open. My eyes widened in realization that I hadn't locked it and I immediately wrapped my arms around my chest to hide as much as I could.

I fell down in the tub so the person couldn't see me at all. I knew this person was probably Namjoon because he was the only one in the room. I peeked my head out to see him peeking from the door like I hadn't known he was there.

"G-get out you asshole!" I yelled and realization hit him that I had noticed his presence. He slammed the door shut and disappeared like nothing ever happened. Oh he's going to get a beating later alright.


"Aniyo Halmeoni! That's too much for me to eat" I tried to stop my grandmother from putting more food into my plate. It was nice to have real dinner after so long but due to my low intake of food for the past few days, I couldn't bring myself to shove all this into my stomach or else I'd throw up.

She turned away from me then put more rice into Namjoon's bowl which he ate happily. The man, to my surprise, could eat like an elephant and would still be hungry. He was enjoying my grandmother's cooking more than me.

I moved my head to observe Hoseok and Bora who were sitting right in front of me. I had introduced Bora and Namjoon to each other earlier and now we were all on the table, eating our dinner peacefully.

"So, how do you still have all this food?" I asked curiously.

"Hoseokie goes out every day to scavenge for food but we have our own little farm in the back garden" Bora answered as she referred to her little brother. I nodded my head while gulping down a large bite of rice and kimchi. I was too busy eating to observe her constant glances at Namjoon.

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