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"Here." I deadpanned, handing my rifle over to Jin who looked happier than a cheerful 5 year old. He told me that he wanted something in return for helping out with Namjoon and letting us stay in the abandoned hospital for 2 weeks.

"Is it loaded?" He asked examining the rifle before popping out the clip that holds the bullets. I nodded my head even though he had received his answer.

"Thanks for everything man" Namjoon said, doing the man hug thing as if they were best friends. Namjoon and Jin had developed quiet a bond in the past 2 weeks, even though they seemed to dislike each other in the beginning.

We had received calls from Jimin and Somi, them trying to persuade us to come back while all we did was refuse and hang up on them.

"Well this is it then?" Jin asked looking at me after placing the rifle on the desk beside him. I nodded my head again because I felt sad for leaving this place. I had grown quite attached to it over the course of Namjoon's injury. He was almost fully healed now.

Caught off guard, I was pulled into a hug by the handsome man. I felt bad for leaving him alone but we didn't exactly know each other and had different destinations. I kept my hands at my side, even though I wanted to hug him back.

"Still as cold as ever, I see" He chuckled and pulled away. I shrugged and looked over at Namjoon who had a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again" I finally spoke out as I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. "Bye Kim Seokjin"

"Bye Lee So-ra" He smiled wide and waved as I walked towards the main entrance with Namjoon behind me. The first thing I saw after exiting the large building, was that the streets were completely cleared. I saw no signs of dead people walking around.

"Well, at least we're off to a good start" I mumbled to myself as I chucked the car keys to Namjoon. He entered the driver's seat and turned on the engine while I put my stuff in the trunk. I entered the passenger side a few moments later and we took off to my grandmother's house.

The car ride was silent. I was day dreaming, thinking about mine and Namjoon's new relationship. We had only kissed two times after I agreed on dating him and nothing else had happened. I knew he was experienced but he insisted he wanted to take things slow with me. I wasn't very keen on skin ship either so I told him to go away every time he tried to kiss or hug me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked driving with ease. I guess he got used to driving a car by now.

"Nothing much" I answered as I looked at him. I felt this sense of pride and happiness every time I looked at him as my boyfriend. I never knew I'd end up with such a nice and handsome man. He could be perverted at times but everyone has flaws, including me: who's filled with flaws.

"Hey" He put his free hand over mine. He looked so manly driving with one hand. "I had this idea..."

"What is it?" I asked staring at the road, but still intertwining my fingers with his. I felt awkward and embarrassed to this new couple thing but it felt nice to hold his hand every once in a while.

"We still haven't had our first official date" He said looking away from the road for a second.

"We sat together on the hospital roof top that night though" I said referring to a few days ago, where he sneaked me to the rooftop at night and we sat together, just staring at the stars. Cliché I know right?

"Yeah, but I want to take you somewhere after we go to your grandmother's" He suggested. I nodded my head, already feeling excited for this 'date'. Namjoon had taken a different road this time to get to her house.

Last time, we tried to walk around on the streets, it ended pretty bad for us. We didn't want to risk going on foot and stay in the safety of the car for as long as possible. Thankfully the streets were cleared, most cars probably taken by their owners to escape the city. It was easier and safer for us to go through the streets even if it took a longer time.

"That way" I pointed, as he made another left listening intently to my directions. I recognized the old bus stop at the edge of the road and knew that we were going the right way. It was the same bus stop I got off at every time I went to visit my grandmother.

He parked the car in her driveway after I told him which house it was and turned off the engine. "Sora..." He trailed off moving to face me. I was excited to get out of the car and see my only family member that I truly loved but stopped after hearing the concern in my boyfriend's voice.

"Yeah?" I asked facing him as well.

"look, there's a 50/50 chance something might have happened to her, considering the walkers could easily get into the house, but ... what I'm trying to say is that ... be prepared" He said, choosing his words carefully. I nodded my head although I had gone through all the possibilities in my head. He smiled and leaned forward to give me a peck on the lips before exiting the car leaving me surprised.

"That sly man" I mumbled to myself as I promised to get my revenge.

There was a walker gnawing at my window trying to get inside but Namjoon stabbed it in the head and opened the door for me,lending his hand to help me out of the car. What a gentleman. I pushed his hand away and jumped out, before walking towards my grandmother's door hoping to find her alive and well.

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