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The next few moments were a spur. But somehow I had flipped the situation. Instead of me, Mino was the one hand-cuffed to the railing and Hoseok was pushed onto the backseat, held at gunpoint. "The helicopter can't stay on auto-pilot for too long, right?" I spoke out loud catching Mino's attention. He had a grim frown on his face as if he was embarrassed to be handcuffed in his own helicopter by a girl. He nodded none-the-less, agreeing with my thoughts.

I thought over what had happened and decided to sit down in front of him, still pointing the pistol in his direction. "So what're you hiding from me? Why didn't you give me the transceiver?"

Mino looked visibly annoyed and looked out the window refusing to answer me. I sighed and looked as my cousin. "Hoseok." He looked at me with a regretful face. "Tell your dumb friend that if he doesn't answer me, I'll make sure he doesn't have any kids in the future". Mino's head snapped back to me and his hands flew down to his balls as if to protect himself.

"Wipe that smirk off your face" He retorted.

"Then give me my answers" I continued to smirk and received a glare in return.

Finally he sighed and decided to tell me the whole truth. I felt my heart relax as soon as he admitted that he was lying about them being dead and lowered my gun when he said he only wanted to recruit me.

But my evil mind wouldn't possibly let him get off that easily. I asked Hoseok whether he could handle being a pilot and he said he learned a few things from Mino. So I pushed him to the passenger seat, ordering him to take over the flying and walked over to the back of the vehicle. There on the back wall, hung three emergency parachutes.

I grabbed one and threw it onto Mino's lap. His eyes were questioning me so intensely, I couldn't help but laugh at his baffled expression. He looked down and then back at me as if to ask if I was serious. "Yes, you're gonna wear that and jump out of our lives" I paused and leaned forward. "Literally."

He was absolutely startled and started to argue when I placed the tip of the gun to the back of his head. "Any questions?" I asked enjoying the control I had over him. He didn't answer me but instead put the parachute bag on with his free hand. I gave him the keys to unlock his handcuff, still holding him at gunpoint.

When he was finally prepared to dive out of the helicopter I opened the door and pointed my hand outward like a butler leading a guest out of the house. I had this sick smile on my face when he looked down scared out of his mind. He didn't show it though, he was still putting on an act of bravery.

When he didn't show any sign of jumping out I said "Have a safe flight, you bastard" and literally kicked him out. The last thing I heard from the poor guy was 'fuck you' before I closed the door shut.

Hoseok looked petrified after watching the whole scene. But when I looked at him, his head snapped forward to pretend that he was busy flying the helicopter. I chuckled and finally put the gun away. "Sorry hoseok- I didn't mean to scare you" I said taking the seat beside him.

He looked at me and sighed. "I'm sorry I went along with his lie"

It took me a moment to respond. "It's alright. He probably threatened you" He didn't reply leading to a peaceful silence for the rest of the way back to Yoongi's house.


Kim Namjoon

"Well looks like we can't stay here any longer" Yoongi kicked an empty beer can on the floor. We were all in one of the unaffected rooms of the house, which happened to be mine... and Sora's. My heart clenched in despair for the 100th time that day. 'I wonder how she's doing' I thought when I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

It belonged to Jimin. He gave me a reassuring look and I managed a small smile as thanks. "Yeah we should probably get out of here as soon as possible looking at the current circumstances" Jimin looked worriedly over to Jungkook.

Jungkook, on the other hand, stood against a wall with his arms crossed. He had no emotion on his face and was ignoring everyone. Including me. I couldn't even imagine his loss and the pain he must've been in even if I tried. Sora was gone, but I still had hope that she was alive. But Jungkook... lost everything right in front of his very eyes.

"We can't survive any longer like this" Taehyung spoke up.

"Yeah" Yoongi agreed with him and paced around the room. "We need to find more people. We need to look for help."

"Help with wha-" I cut Jimin off before he could complete his sentence.

"What about Sora" Everyone flinched at the mention of her name but I kept my ground. "I can't just leave knowing she'll come back looking for us here"

"Nobody knows if Sora will come back" Yoongi replied looking directly at me. If there was any of us that could speak in a strict voice, it was him.

"Are you trying to say she's dead?" My voice grew louder as I glared at him.

"I'm not saying tha-"

"Well you seem to be implying it"

"And what if she is? What if we wait here for her but she never comes back? Isn't it going to be for nothing?"

"And how can you be so sure that she won't come back?!" I walked closer to him in an attempt to intimidate him.

"How can you be so sure that she will?" He argued.

"Because I know her. I know she'll come back. I know she's alive."

"That's what Jungkook would have thought about Somi had she not appeared in their room-". That flipped a switch.

"That's enough." Jungkook spoke for the first time that day in a low yet intimidating voice. The room went silent when Jimin decided to step in.

"He's right. This is no time to be fighting. We can figure this out if we just calm down" He pushed Yoongi and I away from each other.

"Is that a helicopter?" Taehyungs head snapped up and the room went silent once again. I strained my ears and sure enough I heard the sound of a chopper.

In an instant we were all up and running to the roof.

Last Ones Standing | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now