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The silent and peaceful atmosphere wafted through the car. It was hot and Namjoon had turned on the air-conditioning while driving through the streets. Most of the main roads and highways were clogged with empty cars showing signs that most people of the city had the thoughts of escaping to other non-infected cities. Unfortunately for them, the rest of the citizens had the same idea and together, they blocked each other, only to be stuck in the city and blocking the roads as well. Plus, they were stupid to think that other cities weren't infected.

I sighed, knowing my grandmother lived on the other side of the city and how long it was going to take for us to get there, considering all the roads aren't blocked. Or else we'd have to walk the rest of the way.

I didn't know how to drive a car but apparently Namjoon did. He, being his usual controlling self, took the lead to drive and I easily agreed with him. I don't want to kill him with my zero knowledge about driving any kind of vehicle.

He looked incredibly focused, as he turned the steering wheel making sure not to crash us into a tree. I have to be honest, he looks super-hot when he's focused; it makes my insides go crazy. The way his eyes move, studying each feature on the grey road, the way his veins pop up from the back of his hands when he's gripping the steering wheel too hard. Hell, even when he drives with one hand with the other on the gear shift, he looks astoundingly sexy.

Maybe that's just my female instincts telling me to jump on him.

"Am I really that good-looking?" Namjoon broke the peaceful silence and I jumped up. Did I say it out loud? Did he read my thoughts? My questions were answered when he spoke up again. "You were staring at me"

It took me a moment to realize how my eyes were observing his features constantly and I quickly averted them. "I mean you look cool driving a car just like any other man" I said not wanting to avoid the question. Of course I didn't want him to think high of himself but I was just being honest.

"You're very straight-forward" He stated and I shrugged.

"I'll take that as a compliment" I answered causing him to chuckle. However, his laughter was ended rather abruptly when he pressed the brake causing me to jolt forward. Thankfully I was wearing my seatbelt or I would've been dead by now.

"Shit, another blocked road" He mumbled under his breath and rubbed his fingers on his temple as if he was frustrated.

"You know you can always go back to Yoongi's" I said quietly, feeling slightly guilty because he had to go through all this trouble for me. I wasn't used to people doing favours for me and I felt uncomfortable knowing I owe him one.

"No, I'm not leaving you alone" Namjoon replied looking straight at me. I could see he was a bit annoyed but he stayed calm and I liked that about him. His words were a bit cheesy though and I made a cringy face making a dimply smile break out on his face.

"Are you up for a walk?" Namjoon asked after a moment. We were not getting anywhere with all the clogged roads and walking would be rather faster so I was certainly up for it. I gave him an answer by opening the door and stepping out.

Namjoon followed and stepped out of the car with his bag this time. I grabbed my knife and pistol and walked to the pathway with Namjoon on my trail. He locked the car, placing the keys in his pocket in case we'd need it later.

The bright sun shone on our faces and out of the corner of my eye, I saw sweat trickle down Namjoon's forehead. Licking my lips sub-consciously, I grabbed a black cap from my bag and threw it to him without warning. Instead of Namjoon catching it, it smacked his face causing him to flinch and stumble while walking.

A small laugh escaped me and I quickly put my hand on my mouth to muffle it. Namjoon blushed and picked the cap up from the ground before putting it on. I gaped at how hot he looked and he raised an eyebrow.

My hormones must be getting to me. I've never felt this way about real men before, I mean I'm fine with anime guys or idols but never for someone I know. Its making me want to hide away under my bed and curl up into a ball. Thank heavens he can't read my dirty mind.

I cleared my throat and turned around to continue walking when my eyes widened. My arm instantly grabbed Namjoon's wrist and yanked him to the side. "What are y-" He started speaking out of surprise but I shut him up by putting a finger on my lips. I crouched down beside a bush so they couldn't see me.

Peeking my head out of the corner, I observed the scene once again. There were 4 -maybe 5- people standing on top of a fruit truck trying to fight off abundant of walkers with bats and knives in their hands. It was not a pleasant sight to see one of them fall off and get swarmed by loads of psychotic dead cannibals but the thought of seeing other humans after so long warmed my heart.

"Should we help them?" I asked looking at Namjoon who was crouched beside me observing the scene. I saw him slowly shake his head.

"No, there are too many walkers. We'd get killed in an instant" Namjoon spoke lowly, as if he was afraid they would hear us. I was going to argue, my pitiful side taking over but was stopped when a low growl came from right behind him.

"Watch out!" I shouted and instantly pushed him to the side as two walkers jumped towards us. One landed on the floor while the other came at me, making me move backwards and fall into the bush. My vision was blocked with green leaves so I didn't see the walker climb on me.

My pistol and knife had fallen out of my hand earlier when I had pushed Namjoon to the side so there was no sort of thing I could defend myself with. I felt a heavy weight on my thighs, and two rough hands on my shoulders. My hands shot up and grabbed the seemingly female walkers head to block her from biting me.

She was dangerously close to my face and I felt like this is the end for me until I heard gunshots from very close by. Another sound of a gunshot flew through the air and I saw a bullet (almost in slow-motion) pierce through the female walkers head. She stopped snapping her jaw at me and went limp in my arms.

With all my power I pushed her off me and somehow managed to get up to see who pulled the trigger. A loud groan came from nearby and my head whipped to the direction of two bodies lying on the pavement.

One of them was Namjoon and I instantly ran towards him, not knowing why he was groaning in pain. And then my eyes moved to his leg which was bleeding like a freshly erupted volcano. It was a horrifying sight and I could see the silver glint of a pole impaled through his shin.

He was lying on his back, my pistol lying on the ground beside his hand which was shaking. His other hand had somehow reached his leg and was evidently trying to stop the bleeding.

"Oh my god" I gasped as I saw his face scrunched up in pain, making me panic. But it wasn't over when I heard the sound of a hundred feet running to our direction and the sounds of snarling getting rather loud.

The gun shots had attracted the pack of walkers and now they were running towards us.

Ugh, school starts in 4 days and I haven't even finished my video games or anime yet ;-;

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Ugh, school starts in 4 days and I haven't even finished my video games or anime yet ;-;

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