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I slammed another walker on the head and watched it fall down on the floor. "Sora look out!" Namjoon yelled and I quickly dodged a walker from jumping on me. It landed on the floor and I took the chance to brutally hit its head and letting its brains explode everywhere.

By now, I was completely covered with blood and so was Namjoon. We were standing back to back, trying to kill or at least hit any walker that came near us. We were still on the first floor near the stairs, trying to run down but it was filled with more walkers.

There weren't many near us because we had somehow snuck past them but some of them could smell us which is why they kept trying to bite us. I cleared out my way and grabbed Namjoon's wrist so we could run towards the elevator.

Once we reached it, I pressed the button to see that it was on the floor above us. 'Any second now' I tapped my foot impatiently. Namjoon kicked another walker away from us, hitting one with his gut covered bat. "WHY IS THE FUCKING ELEVATOR TAKING SO LONG TO GET HERE?" He screamed as he went berserk and hit three walkers at a time with the baseball bat.

I turned around and helped him (inwardly fangirling at his amazing skills) swinging my baseball bat at a walker coming from the side. We heard a ding from behind us and I pushed him into the elevator, following him as he pressed the button to shut it.

Luckily, The walkers were far enough that they couldn't reach the elevator before it closed completely. The crimson bat fell out of my hands as I leaned on the mirrored wall to catch my breath. Namjoon was breathing heavily, his hands on his knees as wiped his brain covered hands on his already red shirt. To be precise we both were covered in blood and guts.

I could've puked because the smell was so horrible but held myself back.

The elevator was big, covered with mirrors just like any other. I had never been on it because it was used for the disabled students who couldn't climb stairs.

I saw that we only had a few seconds before the elevator doors opened again and quickly picked up my bat again. It was slimy and kept slipping out of my hands. "Don't let your guard down" I said as I heard the familiar ding sound.

The door opened and to my surprise we saw nothing. It was completely silent down here as if it was completely empty which was weird because there were crazy things growling right on the floor above us. I peeked out and saw the empty hallway, carefully stepping out. "All clear" I turned around to see Namjoon hesitantly step out.

"Phew. That was exhausting" He said as I let the slimy bat fall out of my hand and make an echoing sound through the hallway. I flinched and then took out a napkin from my pocket to wipe my bloody hands on. Once I was done I passed it to Namjoon who caught it quickly and flipped it to the cleaner side to wipe his hands.

I looked at his face and saw a trail of blood going down his forehead and dripping from his chin. My hand subconsciously went up about to wipe it but I stopped just in time realizing that I was standing closer to him then I had to any guy in the past few years. To avoid any embarrassment or awkwardness, my finger went up and it seemed like I was pointing where the blood was dripping from.

It took Namjoon a moment to understand what I was doing and he mumbled a 'thanks' while I stepped back. I cleared my throat to break the awkward silence and tucked a hair behind my ear while looking at the lockers.

Without a word, I walked up to my dark blue locker and started to punch in the password to open it. I heard Namjoon's heavy steps behind me. "So what exactly do you need from your locker?" He said trying to spark a conversation.

"Clothes." I said without looking at him and opened my locker after successfully unlocking it.

"So we came all the way here for a bunch of clothes?" He asked while I grabbed my bag of clothes.

"Do you seriously expect me to survive a fucking zombie apocalypse in a skirt?" I raised an eyebrow. He backed away raising his hands and shaking his head. I took one last glance at my empty locker and was about to close it when I heard a sinister growl from down the hallway.

Before I could even turn around to look at the walker, a hand roughly grabbed my waist and pushed me into my locker. I felt another body pressed against me and the locker shutting softly. It happened way too quickly for me to contemplate anything.

I looked up to see Namjoon looking out the small slits in the locker door and felt his breath on my face. His arms were around my waist as there wasn't much space in the locker and both our bodies were pressed against each other.

"Namjoon, what the hell?!" I whisper/shouted at the tall man pressed against me. He looked down at me and I looked to the side because his face was too close to mine.

"There were 6 or 7 of them and neither of us had our bats so I did the only thing that came to my mind" He whispered to me as we heard the sounds of growling growing louder and come nearer to the locker we were hiding in.

I looked up at him as he held a finger to his lips. I nodded my head and looked out the small slits to see hair blocking my view. Namjoon's grip on my waist tightened sub-consciously as we both became tensed. I would've complained but with half a dozen walkers standing outside it wasn't the best idea. For some reason my heart started beating faster as I felt his breath on my cheek.

It was completely silent except for the low growling voices outside. The walkers had probably stopped because of our smell. I realised my bag was still outside, lying on the floor near those disgusting half-human creatures.

I bit my lip out of nervousness which was mostly caused by the tall handsome man I was stuck in a locker with. "It's okay... they're going away" Namjoon whispered and I felt his hot breath on my ear causing shivers to go down my spine.

I let out a small shaky breath and saw the walkers going away and they're sinister voices growing softer. It seemed as if Namjoon had finally realized that his hands were gripping tightly on my waist and he slowly let go. I moved my body away from him and when the growling voices were completely gone, pushed open the locker.

I stepped out and breathed in some fresh air while Namjoon stepped out as well. "Don't touch me again" I said coldly as I grabbed my bag and walked off towards the toilet. I felt spark of guilt in my heart when I heard no reply from Namjoon but ignored it.

I made sure there were no walkers waiting to jump on me in the toilets and put my bag on the counter. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and thankfully there was no blood on my face or my hair. However, my white uniform was covered with it. I took off my shirt, skirt and shoes and splashed water on my neck to get rid of the zombie guts.

I opened my bag of clothes and took out a simple black shirt along with a pair of jean shorts. I was still wearing my black leggings and put the shorts on top of them along with the black shirt. The last two items in my bag were timberland style shoes and a gray jacket.

I put them on silently patting myself on the back for my great choice of clothing because it was simple, comfortable and perfect to run around in. It took me a moment to remember Namjoon was probably still outside waiting for me and walked out, leaving my bloody uniform on the floor of the girls' toilet.

How can I not add Namjoon's soulmate and our 'eomma's fanart into this book :D

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How can I not add Namjoon's soulmate and our 'eomma's fanart into this book :D

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