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The house was dark and everyone was asleep, each in one of the various bedroom that belonged to this enormous house. I twisted the door knob to my chosen room and stepped out in my white tee and some shorts I found in Yoongi's mother's room.

I was trying to sleep but couldn't do it so I decided to get up and get a glass of water. A blanket was wrapped around my legs like a long skirt because I didn't want anyone to see my legs just in case they were awake.

I walked downstairs, turning on the lights to the hallway. I walked into the large kitchen and grabbed a glass from the cupboard, opening the tap and filling it with clear water. I was gulping it down slowly when I heard something right outside the kitchen door that led to the garden.

Almost instantly, I put the glass down and looked for something that could defend me. It could be a walker outside for all I know. With a knife in my hand, I slowly opened the door, feeling nervous that it might attack me but all I saw was a big figure standing still.

"Jungkook?" The name came out of my mouth before I knew it.

He turned around to look at me then looked at the knife in my hand. I followed his eyes and realized I was standing in a fighting stance ready to attack anyone who came near me. I relaxed and put the knife away but still kept my guard up.

My eyes observed where he was standing and I saw a crushed cigarette thrown on the porch near his feet. There was a strong scent of smoke in the air which my confirmed my thoughts that he was smoking.

As soon as I realized that, I moved away and put my hand on the door to push it clothes when he ran up to me and stopped me from closing it. I gave him a look then turned around to walk away. "Woah wait up baby g-"

"Don't. Even. Complete that sentence" I whipped around and pointed my finger at him. I knew this was coming. Me being alone with him ... how can he not take this chance to flirt with me.

"Well you're in a bad mood" He walked closer to me as he closed the door behind him. I sent him a warning glare as he stepped closer to me. "C'mon loosen up Sora... maybe we could enjoy this moment" A smirk formed on his pink lips.

I inwardly sighed and stepped further away as he started to corner me. Do you ever have that feeling where you feel a small fire of hatred inside you and it starts to grow bigger and makes you want to burst? I felt like that right now.

My glare became fiercer by each step he took closer to me with that annoying smirk on his face. He looked like he thought he was the most handsome guy in the world, as if he was the best. My back hit the wall and I realized I could go no further. Honestly, I don't even know why I moved away from him, it probably just made him think I was scared of him.

Jungkook placed a hand near my head, on the wall and leaned closer. That is when I lost control of my body.

My knee jolted up, aiming between his legs but he moved away as if he knew I was going to do that. I took this chance to harshly push him back with my arms. I succeeded and my hand flew up to slap him across the face.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" I yelled at him as he looked at me in shock. I took a deep breath as Jungkook's brown eyes went wide and his mouth agape. No one had seen me shout before, I never lost my temper like this and even when I did I was calm about everything.

This was unexpected and different to him. I took a deep breath and looked up at him, moving forward and pushing him on the floor to make me look superior. To my surprise he actually fell on his butt and looked up at me like I had done something insane. "You have a beautiful, talented girlfriend who fucking loves you yet you do this to her. I don't get you or Somi" I said emphasizing on the 'or'. "You're so damn stupid and so is she. Why do you have to flirt with me. You know I'm not fucking attracted to you yet you decide to push me to my limits. I swear Jungkook I'm gonna kill you if you don't stop treating your girlfriend like that. And I'm serious" I said as I kicked him in the chest.

He snapped back to reality and caught my leg before I could proceed to beat the shit out of him. Jungkook somehow pulled me to the ground, making me sit right in the front of him. "I'm sorry okay! I don't know why I'm like this either. I don't know why Somi is dating me even though she knows I cheat on her all the time. Everyday I think about how I would feel like if she left me. I feel terrified at just the thought of her leaving me and it makes me do this stuff. I know it doesn't make sense. I'm scared and It's getting worse ever since this apocalypse thing happened. I'm scared I might lose her if I don't protect her well enough." As if it wasn't shocking enough to see him confess, Jungkook's eyes water and a tear slips out from his left eye.

I didn't know what to do as he looked at the floor between us. No one had ever cried before me forget confessed to me about their problems. Jungkook breaking down after I yelled at him made it a very awkward situation. I just sat there and watched as he sniffled and wiped his tears.

"I'm sorry about this" Jungkook said looking at me again "I'm sorry about everything Sora. I know you have problems of you own and I shouldn't do this to you but I can't help it. It's become a habit-"

"Jungkook" I cut him off. "You should be apologizing to Somi, not me. I don't want you looking at any girl other than her. Love her as much as you can, treat her with respect. Don't bother me, that's all I want" I stood up and tied my blanket around my legs which had fallen off earlier.

I handed him a glass of water because I didn't know how else to comfort him and started to walk out. "Oh and this conversation never happened" I said and left without hearing his reply.

I had mixed feelings about what happened right now. He came to the wrong person for comfort, that's all I know.

I honestly don't know what I wrote in this chapter XD Just wanted to clear Jungkook's case in a hurry I guess

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I honestly don't know what I wrote in this chapter XD Just wanted to clear Jungkook's case in a hurry I guess. Sorry if you didn't like it, I'm not necessarily proud of this chapter XD

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