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The rest of the day, Namjoon followed me around, asking if he did something wrong. I ignored him all day and felt bad for it but I wouldn't throw my pride away and tell him I was jealous. There was nothing to be jealous about anyway, he was completely ignoring my slutty cousin and her pathetic attempts at trying to seduce him.

I was washing the dishes after dinner while Namjoon were drying them. He kept trying to get my attention but I pretended to focus on scrubbing the stain off the spoon in my hand. Namjoon had almost given up when we were done with the dishes and I knew I could not ignore him anymore.

We went to bed that night at 10 pm since we had nothing to do. I was very tired, especially being awake since 9am in the morning. I changed into shorts and a long sleeved shirt and brushed my teeth to avoid Namjoon for as long as possible. Putting on shorts in front of him didn't really bother me because he had seen most of my bruises and scars. My hair was clean since I bathed this morning so I brushed it and let it down so I could sleep comfortably.

Namjoon was already in bed when I exit the bathroom. His head was on his palm while his elbow was on top of his pillow and he was facing me, his eyes wide open. I knew what was coming and joined him in the queen sized bed. "Will you tell me what I did wrong already?" He asked almost immediately. I faced him.

"You did nothing" I simply answered and closed my eyes to sleep. However, the thought of sleep completely flew out the window when I heard the bed shift and felt a body hovering over mine. I opened my eyes and saw how close Namjoon's face was to mine. I could feel his breath on my face and thought about pushing him away.

"Tell me" He whispered in my ear before I could even place my hands on his chest. When I didn't answer, he kissed my ear and started kissing his way down from my jawline to my throat to my neck. He kissed on a spot that accidentally caused me to jolt in shock. I felt him smirk and kiss it again. He licked it and I almost let out a moan.

Namjoon proceeded to leave butterfly kisses down my collarbone until he stopped and leaned over my face again, looking directly into my eyes. "Babe, you better tell me what's wrong before I do something wrong" He whispered causing a shiver to go down my spine. I gulped as I looked back at his lust-filled eyes.

I was about to answer but he leaned down and finally kissed me on the lips. I felt the softness of his lips over mine and -as if on instinct- started to kiss back. It started with a small innocent kiss and turned into a heated make out. He licked my lips with his tongue for entrance and I let him in, my mind going completely blank. We had a small tongue battle before we started kissing again. I pulled away to breathe, leaving us to pant just like the first time he kissed me.

He started kissing down my neck again and I felt his big hands pull my shirt up a bit and place them on my tummy. I moaned as he sucked on a spot on my neck and felt like this was going the wrong way. I started to have panicky thoughts whether I was ready for this or not. Would he even go that far?

The second I moaned, he completely stopped and pulled away with wide eyes. I couldn't help but blush when he sat up, ruining the heated moment. "I-I'm sorry" He stuttered as he removed his hands from my stomach and started to move back to his side of the bed.

I had to admit that I was turned on by the heat of the moment but he was right to stop. At least he had self-control over himself but I really wanted to keep on going. "It's okay" I said as I turned to face him. "I'm sorry for ignoring you" I added as he grabbed my waist and hugged me, placing his head on top of mine.

I took in his scent and thought of a pine tree. He sometimes smelt really nice without even trying. "I was annoyed at Bora unnie" I decided to go with the truth, only hearing the sound of his breathing. I knew he was listening. "She's being the slut that she is"

Namjoon laughed and I felt the vibrations travelling from his chest. "Were you jealous?" He asked. I didn't reply and that was enough answer for him. He stroked my hair with one hand. "Don't worry. I belong to you only" He said making me smile even though he couldn't see it.

I reached over to turn off the lamp so we could go to sleep. "I'm excited for our date tomorrow" I stated honestly as I observed the sound of him breathing. His chest went up every time he took a large intake of air. "What have you planned?" I asked moving my hand and rubbing circles on his arm with my index finger.

"That's a secret for me to keep and you to find out" He replied. A few minutes passed by without any of us speaking and I almost thought he went to sleep until he decided to speak again. "Sora, can I have another kiss?" He asked. A smile spread onto my face as I looked up in the dark.

He leaned down and kissed me, shortly and sweetly.


The next day, I wore a black, long-sleeved shirt with jean shorts and black leggings underneath. It wasn't appropriate for a date but I wasn't the type of person to dress up on occasions plus I didn't have many clothes either.

"Do I need to bring my pistol?" I asked not knowing where he'd take me. He nodded his head so I grabbed a knife from the kitchen as well.

"Have fun you lovebirds!" Hoseok yelled from the living room where he was watching a movie. I rolled my eyes and followed Namjoon to the car. I was surprised it still had petrol after all the travelling we did.

"I filled the car with petrol yesterday when I went out to scavenge with your cousin" Namjoon said and I realized that I may have said that out loud. I nodded my head as Namjoon started backing out of the driveway.

He started driving to our destination and I couldn't help but feel excited. I was going to have my first date.

 I was going to have my first date

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