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"Wow" Namjoon said out loud when I stepped out. He was staring me up and down when I snapped my fingers in front of him.

"Eyes up here" I said pointing to my eyes. I mean I was wearing leggings but I still didn't want him to look at my legs. Usually my school skirt reaches below my knee so it doesn't show much but now I was wearing very short shorts and it caught him by surprise.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him smirk as he walks past me. Cursing at Namjoon under my breath I follow him, not exactly knowing where we're going. "We need to get the first aid kit from the sick room" Namjoon speaks up as if reading my thoughts.

I look at the other side of the hallway to see the door with the label reading 'sick room'. The tall man in front of me starts walking towards it as I follow him. He grabs the door knob but I stop him by putting my hand of his chest. "I can hear growling" I say as I press my ear against the door.

He nods his head and looks around to grab something sharp. I look around as well when an idea pops into my head. Running into a random class room, I grab a pair of scissors and break another chair like I did earlier and rip out a pole. I grab some duct tape and tape the scissors securely to one edge of the pole.

Namjoon comes in looking for something when he sees my new weapon in my hand. "Brilliant" he praises me by giving me a silent clap and I nod my head like I usually do as a sign of thanks. "I swear I saw that weapon in a game" He says as he grabs a pair of scissors to make another weapon like mine.

"The last of us" I confirm the name of the game as he smiles.

"So you're a gamer girl?" He asks and I shrug. I mean I only played games when I manged to escape my house and go to a gaming cafe but I still love them. He looks like he's about to say something else but I just walk out on him. I put my hand on the door knob of the sick room and push it open slowly. The once low growling becomes louder as something runs my way.

Before I can attack the only walker in the room with my newly brandished weapon, Namjoon beats me to it and jams the head of the sharp scissors in the walkers head. He pulls the pole back letting the motionless walker fall to the floor and bleed through its head.

I glare at him but he only sends me a cheeky smile as he walks into the room. I don't know why this guy isn't fazed by death glares and cold behaviour but it just makes me dislike him more. Usually people would back away, scared of me, but Namjoon only seems to enjoy it proven by his constant smirks.

We walk into the room and I grab a random bag lying on the floor. It probably belonged to the once student that was now lying on the floor, lifeless. I emptied the contents and grabbed bandages while Namjoon looked for different kind of medicine in the cabinets.

Good thing they had paracetamols because I'd need it by staying near all these annoying people who'd give me headaches all the time. Namjoon handed me a disinfectant as he read the label of an antibiotic. I took everything and put it in the bag that was half full.

Once we were finished, Namjoon walked out and I followed him to the food court. The door was see-through and we could see a more than a dozen walkers near the counter, walking around, some chewing on dead bodies. I cringed and crouched down so they couldn't see us.

"How the fuck are we going to get past those things?" I asked Namjoon knowing the both of us couldn't bring all of them down. We were still new to this, and killing walkers was a lot of hard work. Of course I also felt the guilt of taking the lives of so many people even though they were already probably dead. It was impossible to get through them with only the two of us.

"Let's get the rest of our classmates" Namjoon said seemingly thinking the same as me. "We have to get back to them anyway. Jungkook might be at the verge of death." He said.

Last Ones Standing | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now