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"An amusement park! I should've known" I mumbled as Namjoon climbed over the gate. The time the apocalypse broke out, the park was closed so hopefully there were not a lot of walkers inside.

"Do you need help?" He asked pointing to the gate. I shook my head and followed his tactics to climb over the gate. It was cool because I felt like I was doing parkour and jumped over to his side. It was unusually quite but I liked it. Of course the power supply was cut off through the whole park so none of the rides were working. Not a single person was walking around other than us.

I felt Namjoon grab my hand and start walking around. I looked around and felt unusually sad with no sight of other people. Normally, families would be walking around, kids eating their cotton candies and teenagers riding on the most horrifying rides.

"I didn't know you were the type to bring girls to an amusement park" I said trying to fill the silent void.

"Then what type do you think I am?" He asked, surprised.

"I don't know..." I started thinking. "The type to go to parties or bars" I shrugged. Namjoon laughed.

"I mean I would've done that if half the population would still be alive" He said.

Namjoon stopped in front of an enormous Ferris wheel. I stopped in my track and stared at him with wide eyes hoping he wasn't thinking what I was thinking. If this was his idea of a date I would punch him. I instantly made a U-turn and started walking the other way.

"Wait Sora!" He shouted after me.

"I am not going on that thing" I said pointing to the Ferris wheel. How was he going to make it move anyway?

"I want you to face your fears" He stated. "Do you really think you'd be able to survive this world if you can't climb, if you're afraid of heights?"

I stayed quite because he was right.

"Plus it's such a beautiful view up there, it's perfect for a date" He reasoned. I thought about it for a moment before looking up at it again. I guess it was worth a try.

"If I die, I'm going to kill you" I threatened and walked passed him. I know it didn't make sense but it was what my mind came up with at the moment. I stepped closer and examined how far up the highest cart was.

Namjoon grabbed my hand again and led me to the back of the wheel, where stood a safety ladder leading up to the centre of the wheel for workers to fix if something was wrong. "Just follow me" He said as grabbed onto the ladder and started climbing up.

I took a deep breath and followed him, carefully placing my foot in the first step. I was terrified but I had to pretend that it didn't affect because Namjoon kept looking down at me. "How are you doing?" He asked as he pulled himself up on the platform in the centre of the giant wheel. I kept my eyes closed and grabbed another step then hoisted myself up. It felt like hours, climbing up there and I kept getting this urge to look down and see how far the ground was.

"See? That wasn't so bad" He said as soon as he helped me get on the platform. I sent him a glare knowing it was the scariest moment of my life.

"Now what?" I asked, confused on how we were going to get to one of the carts. He had this evil smile on his face that made me shudder. He put his right foot on one of the long poles that ran through the middle of the wheel and started going sideways. He was grabbing onto the metal parts of wheel to prevent him from falling off and I gasped in shock. This whole thing was so dangerous what the hell was he thinking?

"Are you trying to get us killed?" I asked following him none-the-less. He shrugged and climbed into a blue cart. It was a 4 seater and held a large space for us to sit on. He helped me climb in as well and I finally let out a sigh of relief. "That was scary as fuck" I mumbled as I sat beside him and observed the view.

Last Ones Standing | Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now