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"Stop glaring at me, babe" Namjoon said causing my eyes to widen.

"Don't call me babe" I replied instantly and an all familiar smirk made its way to his face. I purposely pointed my gun at him and his eyes widened, him quickly taking cover behind a shelf. I let out a small laugh because he was scared and finally he decided to walk out and face me with a smile of his own.

I looked around to see that we were in what looked like a typical office. A huge desk sat in the middle of the room, a computer on top along with documents and files scattered everywhere. I walked around on the carpeted floor to look for supplies.

"So have you been here before?" I asked, thinking how Namjoon knew that there would be a ladder at the end of that small alleyway leading to an office. He nodded his head as he took a seat behind the desk and opened the computer.

"Welcome to my dad's office" The man leaned back as he waited for the computer to load open. I walked over to see what he was doing. "I used to sneak in here through that ladder and steal money if he wouldn't lend me some" He chuckled at his own antics.

"I didn't know the famous Kim Namjoon was a bad boy" I said sitting down on the floor while leaning against the wall. He ran a hand through his hair in frustration and I looked up to see that the computer screen was completely blue, showing the computer wasn't working.

"I'm famous?" He asked turning around in his chair, facing me.

"You are- were the class president" I quickly corrected myself and pointed out the obvious. He gave me a weird look as if asking if being class president made him popular. "A lot of people look up to you. And I guess because you hang out with Jungkook and Taehyung and all" I shrugged.

"I don't know about me but a lot of people respected you in our class" He spoke up causing me to look at him again. I was playing with the knife in my hand.

"Really? I thought I was a nobody" I said with my eyebrows furrowed. I always thought I was one of those people who sat quietly in the corner not wanting to be disturbed by anyone. Yoongi is like me as well but he is friends with Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon so I suppose he gained attention. Plus he is hot so girls would usually follow him everywhere, just like they did with the others in the squad, including Namjoon.

"No you weren't. I noticed you ever day" he said, probably, in an attempt to comfort me. But it only weirded me out so I gave him a look. "Not like that" He chuckled.

"Well we better get moving" I said standing up and putting the straps of my bag, back on my shoulders. I was glad he didn't bring up the topic of me being scared of heights and how I clung onto him earlier and I didn't want to wait around for him to bring it up.

"Sora, I need to tell you somethi-" The sound of gunfire interrupted Namjoon from speaking and we both became alert immediately. I walked towards the door as we heard the sound from downstairs and opened it as stealthily as possible.

There was a corridor leading to a staircase with doors lining the walls. I sneaked out and heard Namjoon following me. We went downstairs and heard growling. From my experience so far, I knew that it was only two or three and knew that we could easily take them out.

I saw two walkers leaning down and scratching at something. "You take that one out" Namjoon whispered to me as he sneaked behind one of the shelves and I did the same but on the opposite side. I knew his plan was to take them out together so that we can get it over with easily and soundlessly.

We looked at each other from far away, the walkers still busy pounding and scratching on what seemed like a trapdoor. He raised three of his fingers, knife ready in his other hand and put each down until I knew it was time to attack.

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