5: Coffee With Mr. Smolderhalder

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Nina's POV:

My head is hurting like hell, I need to find Julianne and tell her that I needed to go home already. After 15 minutes of searching, I still have no luck of finding her, but I have to keep moving. My head was killing me. As I took another step, someone stepped on my dress. I thought I'm gonna fall hard on the ground but someone caught me by the waist. Thank God. As I turn my head to look who it was. I was shocked. Those baby blue eyes, I will never forget them. He just stared at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"Hi Nina" he finally said, after a long awkward silence.

"Uhhmmm, Hi Ian" I said, a bit shy.

"Btw, thank you, for catching me" I said to him.

"No, you don't have to, It's my fault. I stepped on your dress" he said defensively

"But still, I didn't fall hard on the ground because of you, so thank you" I said reassuring him. I smiled.

"You are most welcome" he muttered. He smiled back.

"You know I was just about to get out of here to drink some coffee, d'you wanna join me?" He asked.

Wait, is this for real? Since our break up we haven't had a proper conversation since then. And now he's asking me to have a coffee with him?

"Y'know, my head is hurting like hell, I really need to go home" I said to him. I looked away from him. That was awkward.

"It won't take long, I promise" he said with those gleaming baby blue eyes. Who could even resist that?

"Okay" I finally said. Wait? What did I just said?


When we're inside the cafe, It feels like there's a lump in my throat. Awkward silence.

"So, how have you been?" He said to break the ice.

"Fine, I guess" I said, looking down. Avoiding his eyes.

"I'm just really tired right now because I just finished filiming a new movie" I added

"That's great!" He said with delight.

"I've really missed acting, ever since I thought that I was gonna become a father I've never been involved in any projects. Because I wanted to focus on the baby and of course to my ex wife" he said, you can hear the pain and sadness in his voice.

I said nothing.

"What's with the wells?" He asked me.

"What?" I asked, not getting his question

"You know stoWELL and poWELL. I'm starting to think you have a thing for wells" he said mocking me.

I laughed, his humor hasn't changed, he can still make me laugh.

"Should I change my surname to somerwell?" He gagged

"Stop!" I said, I was laughing so hard
I've noticed that he's gazing at me so I stopped laughing and I started to feel uncomfortable.

"You haven't changed a bit since then Neens" he said, he haven't called me by my nickname for such a long time. Well we haven't talked since we broke up.

"You're still beautiful, as always, your laugh the way your eyes sparkle" He said in a dreamy voice. I was speechless for a moment. I avoided his eyes once again and I can feel my cheeks burning.

"If you didn't reject my marriage proposal, what do you think will happen?" He asked seriously, his question took me by surprise. I was caught off guard.

"Uhhmmmm... I think we will make cute babies" I said, trying to laugh.

He chuckled "oh I know" he said while rolling his eyes and we both laughed.

"What happened with you and that Powell guy?" He asked his eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, we have issues. We do love each other but we don't have the time. I'm busy, he's busy" I said with complete honesty. I actually kinda miss him.

"What? If I were him, I would always make time for you! He's a fool!" He said, and we both laughed again.

"What about you? don't you want to fix your relationship with Nikki?" I asked him. He got quiet for a moment.

"It's not yet too late y'know" I added and then I took sip of my coffee.

"Ouch! Are you sending me away? You're hurting my feeling Miss Dobrev" he said jokingly. I chuckled. He sighed.

"Right now, I just wanted to think things through. Honestly, I'm not sure what to do" he said "We're divorced but I still miss her like hell but there's also a part of me that hate her so much for what she did. I am so confused right now Neens" he said sadly.

"I am broken, so broken" he said looking at his cup of coffee.

"I know" I said to him.

"But you will be fine soon, I know it" I said reassuring him. He smiled at me.

"Well" he said while raising his cup of coffee.

"Here's to my unsuccessful marriage and to your relationships that didn't worked out" he said, I was about to raise my cup of coffee when suddenly.

"Ian what's happening?" a woman said
I turned my head to see who it was. It was Nikki.

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