The Reason Behind Ian & Nikki's Divorcement (EDITED)

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Ian's POV:

I was in the hospital, patiently waiting for Nikki to give birth to our daughter. Yes, it's a girl, we decided to name her Savannah, which we find cute.

I was waiting & waiting, my heart is pounding so loud. I was praying for Nikki's safe delivery and of course for our baby to be healthy.

I saw Paul walking towards me
"How is she doing?" He asked

"She's still inside" I said, he noticed that I was nervous.

"Don't worry, everything's going to be fine" he said while patting me on the shoulder.


After couple of hours the doctor came out .

"How are they? Are they both fine?" I asked, nervous of what he might answer.

"Congratulations Mr. Somerhalder, you're a father now, you may now see them" the doctor said while shaking my hands.

I rushed inside the delivery room, I saw Nikki holding little Savannah in her arms. She looks like a mess, but still beautiful.

"Can I hold her?" I asked.

"Of course Ian!" Nikki said happily
I hold Savannah in my arms, she looks so beautiful, with her blonde hair and fair white skin.

"Hi Savannah, I am your Daddy" I said. I couldn't be any happier, I am a father now.

I decided to leave so that Nikki could rest & get some sleep. When I was outside of Nikki's room, I saw Paul.

"Hey bro, can I talk to you?" He said.

"Sure, about what?" I asked.

"I don't know how to say this but, does any of your family have a blonde hair?" He asked.

"None" I asnwered with confusion.

"What about Nikki's?" He asked again

"Uhhmmm... Not that I know of" I said. I'm a little suspicious now. Why is he asking me such questions?

"Why are you asking me this?" I said a little irritated because I'm tired and I just wanna and get some rest so I can visit Nikki and Savannah tomorrow.

"I know this might sound GAME OF THRONE-ISH, but how come your baby is a blonde?" he said. I didn't answer, I never thought about that, I was so caught up in the moment and so happy to notice that Savannah has actually blonde hair.

"So what are you trying to say?" I said, a little angry now

"Don't be mad please, I'm just curious, y'know just ask Nikki tomorrow. Maybe I just watched too much Game Of Thrones.." He said patting me on the shoulder.

"Okay" was all I can say. Paul has a point. How come Savannah's blonde? How did that happen? It can't be, Nikki will never cheat on me. She would never.

"Good Morning babe" I said to Nikki as I entered her room and I kissed her forehead.

"Morning" she said with a smile.

I took a deep breath. I'm about to explode.

"Why is our child blonde?" I blurted out, not able to control myself.

She gulped and looked at me with fearful eyes "So you've figured it out" she said stuttering.

"Figured out what?" I snapped at her.

She didn't answer, from that moment I already knew the answer to the question that is bothering me since last night.

"I'm not the father am I?" I asked her, almost whispering.

Her eyes started to fill with water "I am so sorry Ian, please, I love you" She said while sobbing.

"When are you planning to tell me this?" I asked her, disappointed and angry at the same time.

"I was planning to, but..." I cut her off.

"But what Nikki? You cheated on me, you lied to me and the most hurtful and f*cked up part is that you made me believe that I am the father of your child!" I shouted at her.

"Do you know how much that hurts?" I blurted out. She looked down and still crying.

"I'm sorry please" she said sobbing.

"I can't take this anymore" I said and then I stormed out of the room. I heard her shouting my name but I didn't dare look or come back.

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