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I open my eyes and saw a beautiful pure white cat. She frowned at me and man picked me up and put me in a small cage. I tried to move but I just watched as the cat transformed into the woman I knew as my mother. The man came over and kissed her cheek. I looked around. All around me was cages filled with kittens.

"There old enough now. Time to find them homes." My mother nodded and the man smiled. I watched as some kittens turned into Neko's and soon all of them where sat there calling out for our mother. Soon people walked in and just started picking up cages and walking out with my sisters and brothers. I looked around frantically wanting to get out. Soon there was only three of us left. I looked to our 'parents'.

"I guess these one no one wants. There's no surprise with this one." The man said crouching down. "She is a runt." He said.

"I guess these one's we'll be keeping." My mother sighed. The man growled as another woman walked in. she walked over and picked up the only male left. I looked to the only other Neko there. It was the girl from before. "Well looks like we're stuck with these two."

*****4 Years later*****

I watched the girl stand there, by the door. Staring at me through the bars of the cage, on her tip-toes so she could see me properly.

"Hi." She smiled and walked over, into the dark room. "My names Trixie. What's your name?" The only light coming from the door she had left open.

"Name?" I asked.

"What's does mummy call you?" She asked.

"Runt." I say looking down and she frowned.

"Would you like a name?" She asked. I look up at her and nodded. She looked at me and smiled. "I like (Y/n). What do you think?"

"I like it." I smiled. For the first time I actually smiled. Because of this one girl she made me feel like I could take the pain and abuse. But...

"You are not allowed in that room!" My farther yelled.

She always got in trouble for talking to me...so I had to send her running away.

"I drew you a picture." She smiled.

"Go away." I say. She looked at me sadly.

"Go on! Get out!" I yelled. She ran off crying. I got a big beating for that. But she would never be yelled out, punished...she wouldn't be hurt because of me again.

*****Time Skip (7 years old)*****

I woke up and heard a click. I looked to see the door to my cage swinging open. A note next to my head. I open the paper and looked at the pictures. It was an arrow pointing at the window. I looked over and saw it open. I smiled and walk over and jump out and heard voices. I started running when something grabbed me. I looked back to see my farther.

"You need to learn your place runt." He growled and threw me down. I kick him hard and got up, running and hid in a cave. I heard him coming towards me. I backed away and felt air rush around me as I fell.

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