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I sigh as I sat outside. I didn't think I was out there that long until the bell rang out. I got up to go home when a bony hand grabbed my arm. I look over to see Sans. Things went fuzzy and soon we was back into the classroom. Alone.
"What happened today?" He asked.
"Why do you care?" I asked. I instantly regretted it. I don't even know why I said it.
"(Y/n). I love you and the fact you didn't tell me about this." He said. "Makes me think you don't trust me." His hand trailing down and as he grazed my wrist I flinch and pull it away. "What?" He asked. I shook my head. He grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve and revealed the purple mark around my wrist. "They did this to you?"
"Its nothing. I've had worse." I sigh. I looked up and he just looked down at me sadly. He sighed and pulled me into his chest. "We haven't spent much time together." I say holding on to him.
"I know." He sighed. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek. "I know. I'll take you out on Friday."
"I'd like that." I smiled and kissed him softly. "I better get home." He nodded and I smiled. I walked o the door and waved. I hurried out and walked home.

*****Time Skip*****Later that night*****

I finished my homework and changed and fell onto my bed. I sigh as I looked over to my phone. I sigh and gab it. a message. I smiled as I saw it was from Sans. I open it and frown.
-Sorry Kitten. Have to hold off on Friday I got a PA meeting.-
-Don't worry. Don't work too hard.- I send and frown. I sigh and fell back. I looked to the clock. 9pm. I walked over to my window and swung myself onto the roof and sat there on the roof under the stars.

Maybe he's just coming up with excuses....maybe I'm just the Freak everyone keeps calling me.

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